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Behavioral Analysis and Treatment of Substance Abuse

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 25 [Printed in 1979]

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Table of Contents

William Pollin

Chapter 1 Introduction-----1
Norman A. Krasnegor

Chapter 2 The Effects of Delayed Rewards, Social Pressure, and Frustration on the Responses of Opiate Addicts-----6
Charles J. Wallace

Chapter 3 Naltrexone and Behavior Therapy for Heroin Addiction-----26
Richard A. Rawson, Michael Glazer, Edward J. Callahan, and Robert Paul Liberman

Chapter 4 A Behavioral Program for Treatment of Drug Dependence-----44
Roy Pickens

Chapter 5 The Abstinence Phobia-----55
Sharon M. Hall

Chapter 6 Reinforcement of Drug Abstinence: A Behavioral Approach to Drug Abuse Treatment-----68
Maxine L. Stitzer, George E. Bigelow, and Ira Liebson

Chapter 7 An Overview of Smoking Behavior and its Modification-----92
Terry F. Pechacek

Chapter 8 Social Learning, Smoking, and Substance Abuse-----114
Edward Lichtenstein

Chapter 9 Controlled Smoking-----128
Lee W. Frederiksen

Chapter 10 Commonalities in the Treatment and Understanding of Smoking and Other Self-Management Disorders-----140
Ovide F. Pomerleau

Chapter 11 Problem Drinking and Substance Abuse: Behavioral Perspectives-----158
William R. Miller

Chapter 12 Studies in Blood Alcohol Level Discrimination: Etiologic Cues to Alcoholism-----178
Peter E. Nathan and Thomas R. Lipscomb

Chapter 13 A Cognitive-Behavioral Model of the Relapse Process-----191
G. Alan Marlatt

Chapter 14 Current Status of Behavioral Treatment of Obesity-----202
G. Terence Wilson

Chapter 15 Obesity and Adherence to Behavioral Programs-----224
Kelly D. Brownell

Chapter 16 Obesity Treatment Reexamined: The Case for a More Tentative and Experimental Approach-----238
Susan C. Wooley, Orland K. Wooley, and Susan R. Dyrenforth

Technical Review Participants-----251

List of Monographs-----253

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