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Molecular Approaches to Drug Abuse Research Volume II: Structure, Function, and Expression

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 126 [Printed in 1992]

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Table of Contents

Theresa N.H. Lee

Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Diversity-----4
James W. Patrick

Neurotransmitter and Drug Receptor Genes-----14
George R. Uhl

The Diversity of the Dopamine Receptors-----23
Olivier Civelli, James R. Bunzow, Qun-Yong Zhou, and David K. Grandy

Cloned Dopamine Receptors: Targets in Therapy of Drug Abuse-----34
Philip Seeman

Cannabinoid Receptors: Which Cells, Where, How, and Why?-----48
Lisa A. Matsuda, Tom I. Bonner, and Stephen J. Lolait

Studies on ยต-Opioid-Binding Sites With Peptide Antibodies-----57
Eric J. Simon, Theresa L. Gioannini, Yi-He Yao, and Jacob M. Hiller

Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Neurotransmitter Transporters-----66
Randy D. Blakely

Regulation of Gene Expression by Dopamine: Implications in Drug Addiction-----84
Orla M. Conneely, Ronan F. Power, and Bert W. O'Malley

Regulation of Opioid Gene Expression: A Model To Understand Neural Plasticity-----98
Michael J. Comb, Linda Kobierski, Hung Ming Chu, Yi Tan, David Borsook, Karl Herrup, and Steven E. Hyman

Cellular and Molecular Analysis of Opioid Peptide Gene Expression-----113
Cynthia T. McMurray, Karen M. Pollock, and James Douglass

The Prohormone and Proprotein Processing Enzymes PC1 and PC2: Structure, Selective Cleavage of Mouse POMC and Human Renin at Pairs of Basic Residues, Cellular Expression, Tissue Distribution, and mRNA Regulation-----132
Nabil G. Seidah, Robert Day, Suzanne Benjannet, Normand Rondeau, Alain Boudreault, Timothy Reudelhuber, Martin K.-H. Schafer, Stanley J. Watson, and Michel Chrétien

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----151

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