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   Mathew Quinney

   OEMM Web Team


  United Kingdom

The TA&R Program cooperates with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) on a number of projects regarding the safety and pollution aspects of offshore oil and gas operations. These projects deal with the assessment of the integrity of offshore platforms, the assessment of methods to mitigate problems associated with human factors in accidents, the use of risk and reliability methods to assess safety concerns in offshore operations, and methods of risk and reliability methods to assess safety concerns in offshore structures. The HSE jointly sponsored a number of international workshops with the MMS and also was a co-initiator in forming the International Committee on Regulatory Authority Research and Development or ICRARD. MMS works cooperatively with the U.K. Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL), Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and U.K. industry to jointly fund research projects to improve oil spill detection, containment and response.

Some ongoing research projects are as follows:

bullet Biodegradation of Chemically Dispersed Oil an Ecosystem Approach
bullet Effects of Chemically Dispersed and Biodegraded Oils
bullet Correlating Results of Dispersants Effectiveness at Ohmsett with Identical At-Sea Trials: Effects of Oil Viscosity and Dispersant to Oil Ratio
bullet Correlating Results of Ohmsett Dispersant Test with At-Sea Trials: Workshop to Coordinate Publications and Prioritize Follow-up Research
bullet Correlate Ohmsett Dispersant Tests with At Sea Trials; Supplemental Tests to Complete Test Matrix
bullet Calm Sea’s Application of Dispersants
bullet New Touch-Down Zone Solutions for Steel Catenary Risers (SCRs)
bullet Safe Design of Hot On-Bottom Pipelines with Lateral Buckling (SAFEBUCK)

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Last Updated:  11/30/2006, 12:57 PM

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