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Analysis and Testing > Environmental Assessment

Environmental Assessment

Talk at Laboratory's Bradbury Science Museum Thursday on impacts of area's growing elk population
April 20 — The Rocky Mountain elk, a native to the Jemez Mountains, was thought to have disappeared early in the 20th century. All that changed around 1948, when the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish released several cows, calves and bulls back into the Jemez.

Researchers find time in dusty polar ice
June 12 — Scientists at the Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory recently unveiled a direct radiometric dating method for determining the age of polar ice. Further development of the novel dating method could improve mankind's knowledge of glaciers and the terrestrial history of meteorites as well as improve the accuracy of paleoclimate records.

Laser probes planetary surfaces
March 18 — Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory have developed a device that can analyze soils and rocks from a distance using a laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy technology.


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