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Imager Visible Channel Responsivity

Vicarious Calibration of GOES Imager Visible Channel:
Use of Stars for Responsivity Trending

I-Lok Chang, Dejiang Han, Charles Dean,
Xiangqian Wu,Michael Weinreb

(Revised January 21, 2009)

There is no on-board device for calibrating the visible channels of the GOES imagers and sounders. However, the responsivity of the GOES imagers' visible channel is being monitored with star observations. Approximately 4 different stars are viewed twice per hour by the imagers to determine the attitude and orbit of GOES. The reference shows that these observations can also be used to trend the responsivity of the visible detectors.

Until January 2004, the analysis of the star data was to fit the observations taken from the processed star files in the Orbit and Attitude Tracking System(OATS) directly with an exponential function. Since then, we have begun to carry out the analysis with a better technique, one that reduces the noise in the time series by screening out “bad” data. However, to allow users to maintain continuity in their data, we present here the results of both the original analysis (“Method 1”) and the better analysis (“Method 2”).

Method 1

Analysis Technique:
For each star, data available are about one observation per star per day, for approximately 40 stars.
  • Delete data +/-5 hours around S/C midnight to eliminate degradation due to scan mirror distortion caused by heating from direct sunlight.
  • Fit a time series of the remaining data to an exponential in time.
  • Keep track of the fit coefficients for each star.
  • Trend is the average of all stars
  • Technique is based on the irradiance of a point source rather than the radiance of an extended source; therefore, star trend may be slightly different from trend seen on Earth scenes.
  • Although detectors used for Earth imaging are the same as those used for star observation, the star observations employ an additional stage of amplification in the electronics. We believe, but cannot be certain, that the gain of the additional stage is constant in time.
  • The OATS analysis, aimed at determining the time of star transit and not the signal amplitude, results in excessive noise in the inferred amplitude data
Example of Raw Data:
  1. GOES-8 Star Beta - Cnc Imager Signal (Method 1)
  2. GOES-9 Star Beta - Cnc Imager Signal (Method 1)
  3. GOES-10 Star Beta - Cnc Imager Signal (Method 1)
  4. GOES-11 Star Beta - Cnc Imager Signal (Method 1)
  5. GOES-12 Star Beta - Cnc Imager Signal (Method 1)

Model:    The fit models the responsivity decrease as follows:

R = e -A(t-to)


R = Relative responsivity (R = 1 at beginning of time series)
A = Degradation rate per day
t = Time in days since launch
t0 = Number of days between launch and beginning of time series

All coefficients are spacecraft specific and are given below:

Spacecraft A Launch Date Date of Beginning
of Time Series
End of Availability
of Data
GOES-8 1.359 x 10-4 April 13, 1994 April 10, 1995 April 01, 2003
GOES-9 1.481 x 10-4 May 23, 1995 August 7, 1995 May 16, 1998
GOES-10 1.257 x 10-4 April 25, 1997 March 21,1998  
GOES-11 1.204 x 10-4 May 3, 2000 June 21, 2006  
GOES-12 1.182 x 10-4 July 23, 2001 April 01, 2003  

Examples of GOES Imager fits:

  1. GOES-8 Imager Fits of Relative Responsivity Vs Time (Method 1)
  2. GOES-9 Imager Fits of Relative Responsivity Vs Time (Method 1)
  3. GOES-10 Imager Fits of Relative Responsivity Vs Time (Method 1)
  4. GOES-11 Imager Fits of Relative Responsivity Vs Time (Method 1)
  5. GOES-12 Imager Fits of Relative Responsivity Vs Time (Method 1)

Listed below are the average GOES Imager visible channel responsivity decreases per year.

Spacecraft A (annual rate) Length of Time Series
GOES-8 4.96± 0.09%* Apr. 10, 1995 to Apr. 01, 2003
GOES-9 5.41± 0.28%* Aug. 07, 1995 to May 16, 1998
GOES-10 4.59± 0.08%* Mar 21, 1998 to Dec. 17, 2008
GOES-11 4.39± 0.34%* Jun. 21, 2006 to Dec. 17, 2008
GOES-12 4.31± 0.09%*,a Apr. 01, 2003 to Dec. 17, 2008

* The stated trend is the mean of the trends for approximately 40 stars, and the stated error is the usual standard error of the mean.

a As can be seen in the raw data plot (above) GOES-12 Star Beta-Cnc Imager Signal (Method1), the GOES-12 data are unique in that thay have an extra band of points running parallel to the main sequence at approximately 13 units above it. Most of the points in this upper band are star signals from detector 7. They occur above the main sequence because of an error in the value of the detector-7 normalization factor in the OATS database. Other points in this band arise from the summing of star signals in multi-detector crossings. The values of A (annual degradation rates) for GOES-12 in the preceding table were derived, nevertheless, with the data from all detectors, including detector 7. Removing the detector 7 data from the analysis gives an annual degradation rate of 4.32± 0.09%/yr.

Method 2

Analysis Technique:
For each star, data available are about one observation per star per day, for approximately 60 stars.
  • Delete data +/-5 hours around S/C midnight to eliminate degradation due to scan mirror distortion caused by heating from direct sunlight.
  • Use data from OATS analysis, as in Method 1, but add the following steps to improve the data.
    • Delete all data from detectors 1 and 8 (partial crossing of these array-end detectors give excessively low values).
    • Delete any star signal transit where signal is observed in more than one detector (OATS computes excessively high signal).
    • Remove the OATS multiplication by detector-dependent constants. (OATS normalizes the signal from each detector and divides by the expected noise. This process is imperfect and results in serious noise.)
  • Fit a time series of the remaining data to an exponential in time.
  • Keep track of the fit coefficients for each star.
  • Trend is the average of all stars
  • Technique is based on the irradiance of a point source rather than the radiance of an extended source; therefore, star trend may be slightly different from trend seen on Earth scenes.
  • Although detectors used for Earth imaging are the same as those used for star observation, the star observations employ an additional stage of amplification in the electronics. We believe, but cannot be certain, that the gain of the additional stage is constant in time.
  • Less data than in Method 1, for two reasons. The first is the result of the screening, obviously. The second reason is that much of the OATS data before 1998 needed for screening were not accessible. The shorter time series results in larger variabilities in the estimated trends.
Example of Raw Data:
  1. GOES-8 Star Beta - Cnc Imager Signal (Method 2)
  2. GOES-10 Star Beta - Cnc Imager Signal (Method 2)
  3. GOES-11 Star Beta - Cnc Imager Signal (Method 2)
  4. GOES-12 Star Beta - Cnc Imager Signal (Method 2)

Model:    We model the responsivity decrease as follows:

R = e -A(t-to)


R = Relative responsivity (R = 1 at beginning of time series)
A = Degradation rate per day
t = Time in days since launch
t0 = Number of days between launch and beginning of time series

All coefficients are spacecraft specific and are given below:

Spacecraft A Launch Date Date of Beginning
of Time Series
End of Availability
of Data
GOES-8 1.331 x 10-4 April 13, 1994 Oct 19, 1995 April 01, 2003
GOES-9 Insufficient Data May 23, 1995    
GOES-10 0.926 x 10-4 April 25, 1997 Jan. 04,2001  
GOES-11 1.216 x 10-4 May 3, 2000 Jun. 21, 2006  
GOES-12 1.216 x 10-4 July 23, 2001 Apr. 01,2003  

Examples of GOES Imager fits:

  1. GOES-8 Imager Fits of Relative Responsivity Vs Time (Method 2)
  2. GOES-10 Imager Fits of Relative Responsivity Vs Time (Method 2)
  3. GOES-11 Imager Fits of Relative Responsivity Vs Time (Method 2)
  4. GOES-12 Imager Fits of Relative Responsivity Vs Time (Method 2)

Listed below are the average GOES Imager visible channel responsivity decreases per year.

Spacecraft A (annual rate) Length of Time Series
GOES-8 4.86 ± 0.08%* Oct. 19, 1995 to Apr. 01, 2003
GOES-9 Insufficient Data  
GOES-10 3.38± 0.06%* Jan. 04, 2001 to Dec. 17, 2008
GOES-11 4.44± 0.28%* Jun. 21, 2006 to Dec. 17, 2008
GOES-12 4.44± 0.05%* Apr. 01, 2003 to Dec. 17, 2008

* The stated trend is the mean of the trends for approximately 60 stars, and the stated error is the usual standard error of the mean.

Questions/comments? Contact Xiangqian Wu at

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