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GOES Imager Spectral Response Functions

GOES-8 through GOES-O Imager Spectral Response Functions

(Revised, March 2009)

The latest versions of GOES-8 through GOES-O Imager spectral response functions (SRFs) are now available for download. All of them were provided by ITT, the instruments' manufacturer.

GOES Imager Spectral Response Function Download Table

Note that three versions of the spectral response functions (SRFs) for channel 6 (13.3 microns central wavelength) of the GOES-13 Imager are presented on this website, along with the related calibration parameters associated with each SRF version. These different SRFs have come about due to the identification of a cold bias in the brightness temperatures of the channel 6 images.

Version 1: Original
The original channel 6 SRFs provided by the instrument vendor, ITT, were used during the GOES-13 post-launch tests in 2006 when a cold bias of -2.4±0.6 K in the channel 6 imagery was reported by the CIMSS group at University of Wisconsin. The cold bias was identified via comparisons with high spectral resolution Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS) data on Aqua, comparisons with High-resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS) data on NOAA-15 and NOAA-16 and a limited number of forward model comparisons. The cold bias is consistent with a central-wavelength shift on the order of -4 cm-1 (towards longer wavelengths) with respect to the original channel 6 SRFs. The original channel 6 SRFs are included in the above GOES-13 download link, and they have been used for all GOES 13 Imager calibration processing before Aug. 1, 2008 (when GOES-13 was most recently taken out of storage).

Version 2: ITT Updated
In response to the cold bias detected in channel 6 imagery during post-launch testing, ITT re-evaluated the pre-launch test data and provided updated SRFs for channel 6 which shifted their effective central wavelengths by about -1.2 cm-1 (towards longer wavelengths). The ITT-updated SRFs are included in the above GOES-13 download link and the Calibration and Alignment Handbook information for GOES-13. The ITT updated SRFs were used for all GOES 13 Imager calibration processing from Aug. 1, 2008 to March 26, 2009.

Version 3: STAR Updated

NOAA/STAR has evaluated the original cold bias findings, and it has also analyzed a set of observational comparisons with both AIRS and IASI data for year 2008. This has led to another update to the channel 6 SRFs which shifts the ITT updated SRFs by a further -2.1 cm-1 (towards longer wavelengths). Thus the STAR-updated SRFs have a total effective shift of about -3.3 cm-1 with respect to the original channel 6 SRFs. The STAR-updated SRFs are included in the above GOES-13 download link, and they have been used for all GOES 13 Imager calibration processing after March 26, 2009.

The updated shifted GOES-13 Imager channel-6 SRF reduces the overall cold bias. Users need to adjust their conversion from radiance to brightness temperature for this channel. For each of these SRF versions, the GOES Calibration web site contains all of the coefficients for Conversion of GVAR Infrared Data to Scene Radiance or Temperature for GOES-13 Imager channel 6.

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