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Thursday, September 19, 2002

Talk on evolution of Los Alamos computing to kick off new seminar series

The founder and former leader of the Laboratory's Computing (C) Division will relate his personal views of the history and evolution of computing at Los Alamos at a seminar this morning.

Laboratory's United Way 2003 campaign kicks off Monday
The Laboratory's United Way 2003 giving campaign, "Strong Homefront ... Stronger Nation!" begins Monday, Sept. 23.
New issue of Los Alamos NewsLetter being distributed, is online
The current issue of the Los Alamos NewsLetter is scheduled to be in mailboxes and newsstands today.
Ergo expo "season finale" is next week
The traveling "Health/Ergo @ Work Expo" concludes a second year of ergonomic events from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday (Sept 24), in the Otowi Building side rooms A, B and C at Technical Area 3.

Manuel Vigil

A passion for what people can do
Making a computer that runs at 1 thousand trillion operations per second

The success of Roadrunner supercomputer is due to a large team of incredibly talented individuals focused on a common goal. . .

read more

Currents, the Laboratory's monthly employee magazine, highlighting people in the workplace.

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