NIH Recovery Act Funding

The ARRA provided the NIH with a total of $10.4 billion, available for two years — through September 2010.  Below is a summary of the NIH’s plans:

  • $8.2 billion in support of scientific research priorities

  • $1 billion allocated to the National Center for Research Resources for renovations and repairs to facilities in research institutions

  • $300 million allocated to the National Center for Research Resources for shared instrumentation and other capital equipment

  • $500 million for NIH buildings and facilities

  • $400 million for Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER)

The NIH will support many types of funding, but, in general, it will focus scientific activities on:

  • Recently peer-reviewed and new, highly meritorious R01 and similar mechanisms capable of making significant advances with a two-year grant

  • Projects that accelerate the tempo of ongoing science through targeted supplements to current grants

  • Supporting new types of activities that fit into the structure of the Recovery Act, including a reasonable number of awards to jump start the new NIH Challenge Grant program, designed to focus on health and science problems where progress can be expected in two years

To learn more about NIH Funding through the ARRA, visit

Important Links

Information from the White House and President Obama

Recovery Information from Health and Human Services

NIH's Role in ARRA

NIH's Recovery Site

Message from the NHLBI Director

Information on the Implementation of the Recovery Act

Final Legislation (PDF)

Inspector General (IG)

Apply or bid for grants, contracts, loans, or loan guarantees at or