Transforming the U.S. Military

Last Updated
October 23, 2003

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American Forces Press Service News Archive

DoD Examining Military Force 'Footprint' Worldwide
 U.S. Marines Not Leaving Okinawa for Australia, Wolfowitz Says Photo- High-Tech Weapons, Resourceful Troops Will Keep Army Strong
Guard Transformation of Command Structure Seen As Important Chapter

Technology, Transformation Improve Battlefield Health Care

Joint Chiefs Chairman Takes Transformation Message to Industry Forum
New SASC Members Back Defense Transformation, Base Closures Photo- High-Tech Weapons, Resourceful Troops Will Keep Army Strong
Transformation a Common Theme at Marine Commandant Change Ceremony Photo- High-Tech Weapons, Resourceful Troops Will Keep Army Strong
Top Marine: Transformation More Than Basic Modernization
Transformation on Display in Qatar
DoD Acquisition Office Recognizes Transformational E-Business Working Group
Pace Says Planning Guidance Will Reshape Military
Rumsfeld: NATO, Like U.S., Needs to Transform Its Military
Millennium Challenge Part Of 'Transformation Journey,' General Says
Myers Describes Value of Transformation in Afghanistan Conflict
Demystifying 'Transformation'
Rumsfeld Says Transformation Vital to Global Stability
'Field Trip' Gives Wolfowitz First-Hand Look at Forces in Action
Defense Secretary to Hold Pentagon Town Hall Meeting
Rumsfeld Visits Millennium Challenge Experiment
Soldier Receives One-Millionth PKI Computer-Security 'OK'
Natick Labs Gear Up for the Future
Largest Military Experiment to Test Transformation Theories
Change U.S. Military Now, DoD Transformation Czar Urges
Italy Signs-On As New Joint Strike Fighter Partner
DARPA System Looks to Provide Artillery Support
Rumsfeld: AF Academy Grads Are Bulwark Against Terrorism
Denmark Signs Joint Strike Fighter Memo
Pentagon Rolls Out 'Latest, Greatest Prototype' Soldier System
Future Warfighters to Get Water by Burning Diesel Fuel
'Millennium Challenge' Experiment to Test Joint Capabilities
Fiscal 2003 Budget Funds War on Terrorism, TransformationAFRTS Radio Report - Contract Seeks Blueprint for Transforming DoD Finances AFRTS Television Report - Contract Seeks Blueprint for Transforming DoD Finances
Rumsfeld: 'Joint Operations Will Be Key' in 21st Century
Photo- High-Tech Weapons, Resourceful Troops Will Keep Army Strong
Rumsfeld Says Crusader Replacements Look to Future

Crusader Not 'Truly Transformational,' Rumsfeld Says
AFRTS Radio Report - Contract Seeks Blueprint for Transforming DoD Finances
Defense Discusses Crusader Alternatives
Afghanistan Success Didn't Help Crusader, Wolfowitz Says Photo- High-Tech Weapons, Resourceful Troops Will Keep Army Strong
 Pentagon Terminates Crusader Program 
Stryker is 'Way of the Future,' Army NCOs Say
Photo- High-Tech Weapons, Resourceful Troops Will Keep Army Strong
 Rumsfeld Supports Army Secretary Over Crusader Flap Photo- High-Tech Weapons, Resourceful Troops Will Keep Army Strong
Rumsfeld Calls Army Brigade Combat Teams Important to Transformation
Rumsfeld at TRANSCOM: Transformation Moves Forward
Contract Seeks Blueprint for Transforming DoD FinancesAFRTS Radio Report - Contract Seeks Blueprint for Transforming DoD FinancesAFRTS Television Report - Contract Seeks Blueprint for Transforming DoD Finances
Wolfowitz: 'Fight Today, Invest for Tomorrow'AFRTS Radio Report: Wolfowitz: 'Fight Today, Invest for Tomorrow' AFRTS Television Report: Wolfowitz: 'Fight Today, Invest for Tomorrow'
 Help Wanted: Military Seeks Creative Minds
 Military Works to Meet Transformation Goal
 Rumsfeld Plans Transformation Talk at Pentagon 'Town Hall' Meet
Translating Transformation into Capabilities
High-Tech Weapons, Resourceful Troops Will Keep Army Strong Photo- High-Tech Weapons, Resourceful Troops Will Keep Army Strong
 What's Up at the Pentagon?
Myers Says Joint Capabilities, Transformation Key to 21st Century WarAFRTS Radio - Myers Says Joint Capabilities, Transformation Key to 21st Century War AFRTS Video - Myers Says Joint Capabilities, Transformation Key to 21st Century War
Budget Request Funds War on Terror, Military Transformation
Wolfowitz Says NATO Ties Are 'Essential'
Transforming the U.S. Military
Flexibility, Adaptability at Heart of Military Transformation
• Rumsfeld to Chart Military Transformation Course
Bush Calls for Military Transformation
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