[109 Senate Committee Prints]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access]
[DOCID: f:21147.wais]

                                                             S. PRT. 109-26

                               UNITED STATES SENATE 

                           COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS 

                                  THAD COCHRAN 

                              SUBCOMMITTEE JURISDICTION 

                                   BY PROGRAM 

Department, Agency, or Program                                    Subcommittee 


Administration for Children and Families (HHS).................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Administration on Aging (HHS)..................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Administration on Native Americans (HHS).......................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (Judiciary).............. Trans.-Treas. 

Adolescent Pregnancy (HHS)........................................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Adult Education (Education)....................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Advanced Research Projects Agency (DOD)........................... Defense 

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation......................... Interior 

African Development Bank (Treasury)............................... State-For. Ops. 

African Development Foundation.................................... State-For. Ops. 

African Development Fund (Treasury)............................... State-For. Ops. 

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (HHS).................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Agency for International Development.............................. State-For. Ops. 

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (HHS)............ Interior 

Aging Programs (HHS).............................................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund (USDA)......................... Agriculture 

Agricultural Marketing Service (USDA)............................. Agriculture 

Agricultural Quarantine Inspection................................ Homeland 

Agricultural Research Service (USDA).............................. Agriculture 

 Buildings and Facilities (USDA).................................. Agriculture 

Agriculture Buildings and Facilities and Rental Payments (USDA)... Agriculture 

Agriculture, U.S. Department of (except Forest Service)........... Agriculture 

Air Force, Department of the (DOD)................................ Def./Mil. Con. 

Alaska Power Administration (DOE)................................. Energy-Water 

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (Treasury)............... Trans.-Treas. 

Allowances and Office Staff for Former Presidents (GSA)........... Trans.-Treas. 

American Battle Monuments Commission.............................. Mil. Con. 

American Institute in Taiwan (State).............................. State-For. Ops. 

American National Red Cross....................................... (Non-Federal funding) 

American Printing House for the Blind (Education)................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

AmeriCorps........................................................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation).................. Trans.-Treas. 

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA)................. Agriculture 

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Buildings 
        and Facilities (USDA)..................................... Agriculture 

Anti-terrorism Assistance (State)................................. State-For. Ops. 

Appalachian Regional Commission/Appalachian Development 
        Highway System............................................ Energy-Water/ Trans.-Treas. 

Architect of the Capitol.......................................... Legislative 

Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board........ Trans.-Treas. 

Armed Forces Retirement Home...................................... Mil. Con. 

Army, Department of the (Civil Works)............................. Energy-Water 

Army, Department of the (DOD)..................................... Def./Mil. Con. 

Asia Foundation (State)........................................... State-For. Ops. 

Asian Development Bank (Treasury)................................. State-For. Ops. 

Assistance Payments/TANF (HHS).................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 


Bilingual and Immigrant Education (Education)..................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Black Lung Benefits (Labor)....................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.................. (Non-Federal funding) 

Bonneville Power Administration (DOE)............................. Energy-Water 

Books for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.................... Legislative 

Botanic Garden.................................................... Legislative 

Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG/State)........................State-For. Ops.        

        International Broadcasting operations (BBG/State)......... State-For. Ops. 

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (Justice)..... Commerce-Just. 

Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (Labor)..................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Bureau of Economic and Statistical Analysis  (Commerce)........... Commerce-Just. 

Bureau of Engraving and Printing (Treasury)....................... Trans.-Treas. 

Bureau of Export Administration (Commerce)........................ Commerce-Just. 

Bureau of Indian Affairs (Interior)............................... Interior 

Bureau of International Labor Affairs (Labor)..................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Bureau of Labor Statistics (Labor)................................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Bureau of Land Management (Interior).............................. Interior 

Bureau of Prisons (Justice)....................................... Commerce-Just. 

Bureau of Reclamation (Interior).................................. Energy-Water 

Bureau of the Census (Commerce)................................... Commerce-Just. 

Bureau of the Public Debt (Treasury).............................. Trans.-Treas. 

Bureau of Transportation Statistics (Transportation).............. Trans.-Treas. 


Capitol Police.................................................... Legislative 

Care of Supreme Court Building and Grounds (Architect of 
        the Capitol).............................................. Trans.-Treas. 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (HHS).................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (HHS).................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Central Intelligence Agency (Executive)........................... Defense 

Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System...... Defense 

Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board.................... Interior 

Child Care Assistance (HHS)....................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Child Nutrition Programs (USDA)................................... Agriculture 

Child Support Enforcement (HHS)................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Child Welfare Services (HHS)...................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Children and Family Services Programs (HHS)....................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Citizenship and Immigration Services (DHS)........................ Homeland 

Clean Coal Technology (DOE)....................................... Energy-Water 

College Housing and Academic Facilities Loans (Education)......... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Commerce, Department of........................................... Commerce-Just. 

Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad...... State-For. Ops. 

Commission on Civil Rights........................................ Commerce-Just. 

Commission on Fine Arts........................................... Interior 

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki 
        Commission)............................................... State-For. Ops. 

Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely 
        Disabled.................................................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Commodity Assistance Program (USDA)............................... Agriculture 

Commodity Credit Corporation (USDA)............................... Agriculture 

Commodity Futures Trading Commission.............................. Agriculture 

Common Computing  Environment (USDA).............................. Agriculture 

Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act [CALEA]......... Commerce-Just. 

Community Development Financial Institutions...................... Trans.-Treas. 

Community Health Centers (HHS).................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Community Service Employment for Older Americans (Labor).......... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Community Services Block Grant (HHS).............................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Compensation of the President (Executive Office of the President)..Trans.-Treas. 

Congressional Budget Office....................................... Legislative 

Congressional Research Service (Library of   Congress)............ Legislative 

Conservation Operations (USDA).................................... Agriculture 

Consumer Price Index (Labor)...................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Consumer Product Safety Commission................................ Trans.-Treas. 

Contributions to International Organizations (State).............. State-For. Ops. 

Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension 
        Service (USDA)............................................ Agriculture 

Corporation for National and Community Service:  
        AmeriCorps................................................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 
        Domestic Volunteer Service Programs....................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Corporation for Public Broadcasting............................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Corps of Engineers - Civil........................................ Energy-Water 


Council of Economic Advisers (Executive Office of the President).. Trans.-Treas. 

Council on Environmental Quality and Office of Environmental 
        Quality (Executive Office of the President)............... Interior 

Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center (ONDCP).................. Trans.-Treas. 

Counterterrorism Fund (DHS)....................................... Homeland 

Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (Judiciary).............. Trans.-Treas. 

Court of International Trade (Judiciary).......................... Trans.-Treas. 

Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the 
        District of Columbia...................................... D.C. 

Courts of Appeals, District Courts, and Other Judicial 
        Services (Judiciary)...................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Customs and Border Protection (DHS)............................... Homeland 


Dairy Indemnity Program (USDA).................................... Agriculture 

Defense Agencies (DOD)............................................ Def./Mil. Con. 

Defense Base Closure Accounts..................................... Mil. Con. 

Defense Conversion Commission (DOD)............................... Defense 

Defense Facilities Replacement.................................... Mil. Con. 

Defense Finance and Accounting Service............................ Defense 

Defense Intelligence Agency (DOD)................................. Def./Mil. Con. 

Defense Investigative Service (DOD)............................... Defense 

Defense Logistics Agency (DOD).................................... Def./Mil. Con. 

Defense Mapping Agency  (DOD)..................................... Def./Mil. Con. 

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board........................... Energy-Water 

Defense Security and Cooperation Agency........................... Def./State- For. Ops. 

Defense - Civil: Department of 
 Department of the Army: 
  Cemeterial Expenses............................................. Mil. Con. 

  Corps of Engineers - Civil...................................... Energy-Water 

Defense - Military: Department of................................. Def./Mil. Con. 
        Department of the Air Force............................... Def./Mil. Con. 
        Department of the Army.................................... Def./Mil. Con. 
        Department of the Navy.................................... Def./Mil. Con. 
        Marine Corps.............................................. Def./Mil. Con. 
        Office of the Secretary of Defense........................ Def./Mil. Con. 

Delta Regional Authority.......................................... Energy-Water 

Denali Commission................................................. Energy-Water 

Departmental Administration (USDA)................................ Agriculture 

Developmental Disabilities (HHS).................................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Disaster Assistance Direct Loan Program (DHS)..................... Homeland 

Disaster Loans Program (Small Business Administration)............ Commerce-Just. 

Disaster Relief (DHS)............................................. Homeland 

Dislocated Worker Assistance (Labor).............................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program (USDA)................. Agriculture 

District of Columbia.............................................. D.C. 

District of Columbia Courts....................................... D.C. 

Drug Enforcement Administration (Justice)......................... Commerce-Just. 


East-West Center.................................................. State-For. Ops. 

Economic and Statistical Analysis (Commerce)...................... Commerce-Just. 

Economic Development Administration (Commerce).................... Commerce-Just. 

Economic Research Service (USDA).................................. Agriculture 

Economic Support Fund (AID)....................................... State-For. Ops. 

Education for the Disadvantaged - Title I   (Education)........... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Education, Department of.......................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs (State)................ State-For. Ops. 

Election Assistance Commission.................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Emergency Conservation Program (USDA)............................. Agriculture 

Emergency Food and Shelter (DHS).................................. Homeland 

Emergency Preparedness and Response Operating Expenses (DHS)...... Homeland 

Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund (State)........... State-For. Ops. 

Employee Benefits Security Administration (Labor)................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Employment and Training Administration (Labor).................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Employment Service Operations (Labor)............................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Employment Standards Administration (Labor)....................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Energy Conservation (DOE)......................................... Energy-Water 

Energy Information Administration (DOE)........................... Energy-Water 

Energy, Department of (DOE)....................................... Energy-Water 

English Language Acquisition (Education).......................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Environmental Protection Agency................................... Interior 

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission........................... Commerce-Just. 

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Treasury)....... State-For. Ops. 

Executive Office of the President................................. Trans.-Treas. 

Executive Residence at the White House (Executive Office 
        of the President)......................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Export Loans Program (USDA)....................................... Agriculture 

Export-Import Bank................................................ State-For. Ops. 

Extension Activities (USDA)....................................... Agriculture 


Falcon and Amistad Operating and Maintenance Fund (DOE)........... Energy-Water 

Family Planning (HHS)............................................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Farm Credit Administration........................................ Agriculture 

Farm Credit System Financial Assistance Corporation............... Agriculture 

Farm Labor Housing Program........................................ Agriculture 

Farm Service Agency (USDA)........................................ Agriculture 

FDIC Inspector General............................................ Trans.-Treas. 

Federal Aviation Administration (Transportation).................. Trans.-Treas. 

Federal Buildings Fund (GSA)...................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Federal Bureau of Investigation (Justice)......................... Commerce-Just. 

Federal Citizen Information Center (GSA).......................... Trans.-Treas. 

Federal Communications Commission................................. Commerce-Just. 

Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (USDA)......................... Agriculture 

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (except Federal 
        Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation)................... (Non-Federal funding) 

Federal Election Commission....................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Energy)..................... Energy-Water 

Federal Family Education Loan Program (Education)................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Federal Highway Administration (Transportation)................... Trans.-Treas. 

Federal Housing Administration (HUD).............................. Trans.-Treas. 

Federal Judicial Center (Judiciary)............................... Trans.-Treas. 

Federal Labor Relations Authority................................. Trans.-Treas. 

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (DHS)..................... Homeland 

Federal Maritime Commission....................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service........................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission.................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (Transportation)...... Trans.-Treas. 

Federal Old Age and  Survivors Insurance (SSA).................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Federal Prison Industries Incorporated (Justice).................. Commerce-Just. 

Federal Railroad Administration (Transportation).................. Trans.-Treas. 

Federal Supply Service (GSA)...................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Federal Trade Commission.......................................... Commerce-Just. 

Federal Transit Administration (Transportation)................... Trans.-Treas. 

Federal Unemployment Benefits and Allowances (Labor).............. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (Treasury)................... Trans.-Treas. 

Financial Management Service (Treasury)........................... Trans.-Treas. 

Flood Map Modernization Fund (DHS)................................ Homeland 

Food and Agricultural Organization (State)........................ State-For. Ops. 

Food and Drug Administration (HHS)................................ Agriculture 

 Buildings and Facilities (HHS)................................... Agriculture 

Food and Nutrition Service (USDA)................................. Agriculture 

Food Donations Programs (USDA).................................... Agriculture 

Food Program Administration (USDA)................................ Agriculture 

Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA)......................... Agriculture 

Food Stamp Program (USDA)......................................... Agriculture 

Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA)............................... Agriculture 

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission (Justice).................... Commerce-Just. 

Foreign Military Financing Program (State)........................ State-For. Ops. 

Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund (State)............ State-For. Ops. 

Forest Service (USDA)............................................. Interior 

Fossil Energy Research and Development (DOE)...................... Energy-Water 

Foster Care/Adoption Assistance (HHS)............................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Fulbright Program (State)......................................... State-For. Ops. 

Funds Appropriated to the President (Executive Office 
        of the President)......................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Funds for Strengthening Markets, Income, and Supply 
        (section 32) (USDA)....................................... Agriculture 


Gallaudet University (Education).................................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

General Sales Manager (USDA)...................................... Agriculture 

General Services Administration (GSA)............................. Trans.-Treas. 

Geological Survey (Interior)...................................... Interior 

Government Accountability Office.................................. Legislative 

Government National Mortgage Association (HUD).................... Trans.-Treas. 

Government Printing Office........................................ Legislative 

Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration 
        (USDA).................................................... Agriculture 

Grants to States for Social and Child Welfare Services - Title 
        XX (HHS).................................................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 


Hazardous Materials Management (USDA)............................. Agriculture 

Head Start Program (HHS).......................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Health and Human Services, Department of (HHS).................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 
--Food and Drug Administration 
--Indian Health and Construction Activities 
  --Office of Consumer Affairs 

Health Professions Education (HHS)................................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Health Resources and Services Administration  (HHS)............... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Health Services Research (HHS).................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (ONDCP)..................... Trans.-Treas. 

Higher Education (Education)...................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Historic Preservation Fund (Interior)............................. Interior 

Holocaust Memorial Museum......................................... Interior 

Homeland Security, Department of (DHS)............................ Homeland 

Homeowners Assistance Fund........................................ Mil. Con. 

House of Representatives.......................................... Legislative 

Housing and Urban Development, Department of...................... Trans.-Treas. 

Howard University  (Education).................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 


Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS)......................... Homeland 

Immunization Program (HHS)........................................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Impact Aid (Education)............................................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Indian Education (Education)...................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Indian Health Service (HHS)....................................... Interior 

Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection (DHS).......... Homeland 

Information Security Oversight Office (NARA)...................... Trans.-Treas. 

Inspection and Weighing Services (USDA)........................... Agriculture 

Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture 
        and Arts Development...................................... Interior 

Institute of Education Sciences (Education)....................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Institute of Medicine............................................. (Non-Federal funding) 

Institute of Museum and Library Services: 
        Office of Library Services................................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 
        Office of Museum Services................................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Integrated Activities (USDA)...................................... Agriculture 

Intelligence Community............................................ Defense 

Inter-American Development Bank (Treasury)........................ State-For. Ops. 

Inter-American Foundation......................................... State-For. Ops. 

Interior, Department of the....................................... Interior 
        Except Bureau of Reclamation 

Internal Revenue Service (Treasury)............................... Trans.-Treas. 

International Atomic Energy Agency (State)........................ State-For. Ops. 

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 
        (World Bank) (Treasury)................................... State-For. Ops. 

International Boundary and Water Commission, United States 
        and Mexico (State)........................................ State-For. Ops. 

International Boundary Commission, United States and 
        Canada (State)............................................ State-For. Ops. 

International Civil Aviation Organization (State)................. State-For. Ops. 

International Commissions (State)................................. State-For. Ops. 

International Conferences and Contingencies (State)............... State-For. Ops. 

International Development Association (Treasury).................. State-For. Ops. 

International Disaster Assistance (AID)........................... State-For. Ops. 

International Education (Education)............................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

International Finance Corporation (Treasury)...................... State-For. Ops. 

International Financial Institutions (Treasury)................... State-For. Ops. 

International Fisheries Commissions (State)....................... State-For. Ops. 

International Fund for Agricultural Development................... State-For. Ops. 

International Fund for Ireland (State)............................ State-For. Ops. 

International Military Education and Training  (State)............ State-For. Ops. 

International Monetary Fund (Treasury)............................ State-For. Ops. 

International Narcotics Control Law Enforcement (State)........... State-For. Ops. 

International Organizations and Conferences (State)............... State-For. Ops. 

International Organizations and Programs (State).................. State-For. Ops. 

International Trade Administration (Commerce)..................... Commerce-Just. 

International Trade Commission.................................... Commerce-Just. 

International Trade Negotiations (U.S. Trade Representative)...... Commerce-Just. 


Job Corps (Labor)................................................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

John C. Stennis Center for Public Service, Training, 
        and Development........................................... Legislative 

John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in 
        the Health Sciences (NIH)................................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.................... Interior 

Joint Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies........................... Legislative 

Joint Committee on Printing....................................... Legislative 

Joint Committee on Taxation....................................... Legislative 

Joint Economic Committee.......................................... Legislative 

Judiciary......................................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Justice Assistance (Justice)...................................... Commerce-Just. 

Justice, Department of............................................ Commerce-Just. 

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Justice)............. Commerce-Just. 


Labor, Department of.............................................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Labor-Management Standards (Labor)................................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Land and Water Conservation Fund (Interior)....................... Interior 

Legal Services Corporation........................................ Commerce-Just. 

Libraries......................................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Library of Congress............................................... Legislative 

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (HHS)........................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 


Marine Mammal Commission.......................................... Commerce-Just. 

Maritime Administration (Transportation).......................... Trans.-Treas. 

Maternal and Child Health (HHS)................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Medicaid/Medicare Contractors (HHS)............................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Medicare Payment Advisory Commission.............................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Merit Systems Protection Board.................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Microenterprise Development (AID)................................. State-For. Ops. 

Migrant Education (Education)..................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Migrant Health (HHS).............................................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Migration and Refugee Assistance (State).......................... State-For. Ops. 

Military Construction............................................  Mil. Con.
        Defense Agencies.........................................  Mil. Con.
        Department of the Air Force..............................  Mil. Con.
        Department of the Army...................................  Mil. Con.
        Department of the Navy...................................  Mil. Con.
        Marine Corps.............................................. Mil. Con. 
        Reserve Forces............................................ Mil. Con. 

Military Family Housing........................................... Mil. Con. 

Mine Health and Safety Academy (Labor)............................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Mine Safety and Health Administration (Labor)..................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Minerals Management Service (Interior)............................ Interior 

Minority Business Development Agency (Commerce)................... Commerce-Just. 

Missile Defense Agency (DOD)...................................... Def./Mil. Con. 

Missions to International Organizations (State)................... State-For. Ops. 

Morris K. Udall Environmental Dispute Fund........................ Trans.-Treas. 

Morris K. Udall Scholarship Trust Fund............................ Trans.-Treas. 

Multilateral Development Banks (Treasury)......................... State-For. Ops. 

Mutual and Self-Help Housing Grants (USDA)........................ Agriculture 


National Academy of Engineering................................... (Non-Federal funding) 

National Academy of Sciences...................................... (Non-Federal funding) 


National Advisory Council on International Monetary 
        and Financial Policies.................................... (Non-Federal funding) 

National Aeronautics and Space Administration..................... Commerce-Just. 

National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA)................... Agriculture 

National Appeals Division (USDA).................................. Agriculture 

National Archives and Records Administration...................... Trans.-Treas. 

National Cancer Institute (NIH)................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs........................ Interior 

National Capital Housing Authority................................ (Non-Federal funding) 

National Capital Planning Commission.............................. Interior 

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NIH).. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Center for Health Statistics (HHS)....................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Center for Research Resources (NIH)...................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Commission on Libraries and Information Science.......... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Council on Disability.................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Credit Union Administration: 
        Central Liquidity Facility................................ Trans.-Treas. 
        Community Development Revolving Loan Fund................  Trans.-Treas. 

National Endowment for Democracy (State).......................... State-For. Ops. 

National Endowment for the Arts................................... Interior 

National Endowment for the Humanities............................. Interior 

National Eye Institute (NIH)...................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Flood Insurance Fund (DHS)............................... Homeland 

National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities................ Interior 

National Gallery of Art........................................... Interior 

National Guard and Reserve Components (DOD)....................... Def./Mil. Con. 

National Health Service Corps (HHS)............................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH)................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (Transportation)... Trans.-Treas. 

National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NARA).... Trans.-Treas. 

National Human Genome Research Institute (NIH).................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Indian Gaming Commission................................. Interior 

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH)....... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and 
        Skin Diseases (NIH)....................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering 
        (NIH)..................................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NIH).... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institute of Corrections (Justice)....................... Commerce-Just. 

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIH)...... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and 
        Kidney Diseases (NIH)..................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIH)......... Interior/ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH).............. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institute of Mental Health (NIH)......................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH)..... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institute of Nursing Research (NIH)...................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institute of Standards and Technology (Commerce)......... Commerce-Just. 

National Institute on Aging (NIH)................................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIH).......... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication 
        Disorders (NIH)........................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH)............................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institute on Occupational Safety and Health (HHS)........ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Institutes of Health (HHS)............................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Labor Relations Board.................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Library of Medicine (NIH)................................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Mediation Board.......................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE).................... Energy-Water 

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Commerce)........ Commerce-Just. 

National Park Service (Interior).................................. Interior 

National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian)........................... Interior 

National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak).................. Trans.-Treas. 

National Reconnaissance Office.................................... Defense 

National Research Council......................................... (Non-Federal funding) 

National Science Foundation....................................... Commerce-Just. 

National Security Agency (DOD).................................... Def./Mil. Con. 

National Security Council (Executive Office of the President)..... Trans.-Treas. 

National Technical Information Service (Commerce)................. Commerce-Just. 

National Technical Institute for the Deaf (Education)............. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Telecommunications and Information Administration 
        (Commerce)................................................ Commerce-Just. 

National Transportation Safety Board.............................. Trans.-Treas. 

National Youth Sports Program (HHS)............................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

National Zoological Park (Smithsonian)............................ Interior 

Native American Institutions Endowment Fund (USDA)................ Agriculture 

Native American Programs (HHS).................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA)..................... Agriculture 

Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves (DOE)...................... Energy-Water 

Naval Reactors (DOE).............................................. Energy-Water 

Navy, Department of the (DOD)..................................... Def./Mil. Con. 

Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation............................. Trans.-Treas. 

North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO]:  
        Civil (State)............................................. State-For. Ops. 
        Department of Defense..................................... Def./Mil. Con. 
        Infrastructure............................................ Mil. Con. 

Nuclear Regulatory Commission..................................... Energy-Water 

Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board.............................. Energy-Water 

Nursing Workforce Development (HHS)............................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 


Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Labor)............. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Office for Civil Rights (HHS) (Education)......................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Office for State and Local Government Coordination and 
        Preparedness (DHS)........................................ Homeland 

Office of Administration (Executive Office of the President)...... Trans.-Treas. 

Office of Budget and Program Analysis (USDA)...................... Agriculture 

Office of Communications (USDA)................................... Agriculture 

Office of Compliance.............................................. Legislative 

Office of Disability Policy (Labor)............................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (Education).......... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (Labor)............ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Office of Government Ethics....................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOE).............................. Energy-Water 

Office of Insular Affairs (Interior).............................. Interior 

Office of Justice Programs (Justice).............................. Commerce-Just. 

Office of Library Services (Institute of Museum and 
        Library Services)......................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Office of Management and Budget (Executive Office of 
        the President)............................................ Trans.-Treas. 

Office of Museum Services (Institute of Museum and 
        Library Services)......................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Office of National Drug Control Policy............................ Trans.-Treas. 

Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation....................... Interior 

Office of Personnel Management.................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Office of Policy Development (Executive Office of the 
        President)................................................ Trans.-Treas. 

Office of Refugee Resettlement (HHS).............................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Office of Science and Technology Policy (Executive Office 
        of the President)......................................... Commerce-Just. 

Office of Special Counsel......................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 
        (Education)............................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Office of Special Trustee for American Indians (Interior)......... Interior 

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 
        (Interior)................................................ Interior 

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration (USDA)....... Agriculture 

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Congressional 
        Relations (USDA).......................................... Agriculture 

Office of the Chief Economist (USDA).............................. Agriculture 

Office of the Chief Financial Officer (USDA)...................... Agriculture 

Office of the Chief Information Officer (USDA).................... Agriculture 

Office of the General Counsel (USDA).............................. Agriculture 

Office of the Inspector General (USDA)............................ Agriculture 

Office of the Secretary (USDA).................................... Agriculture 

Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (Executive 
        Office of the President).................................. Commerce-Just. 

Office of the Under Secretary for Border and Transportation 
        Security.................................................. Homeland 

Office of the Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign 
        Agricultural Services (USDA).............................. Agriculture 

Office of the Under Secretary for Food Safety (USDA).............. Agriculture 

Office of the Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and 
        Consumer Services (USDA).................................. Agriculture 

Office of the Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory 
        Programs (USDA)........................................... Agriculture 

Office of the Under Secretary for Natural Resources and 
        Environment (USDA)........................................ Agriculture 

Office of the Under Secretary for Research, Education, 
        and Economics (USDA)...................................... Agriculture 

Office of the Under Secretary for Rural Development (USDA)........ Agriculture 

Office of Thrift Supervision...................................... (Non-appropriated funds) 

Office of Work-Based Learning (Labor)............................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Official Residence of the Vice President (Executive Office 
        of the President)......................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Open World Leadership Program..................................... Legislative 

Operations and Maintenance for Hazardous Waste Management (USDA).. Agriculture 

Organization of American States: 
        Assessed contributions.................................... State-For. Ops. 
        Voluntary contributions................................... State-For. Ops. 

Ounce of Prevention Council....................................... Commerce-Just. 

Outer Continental Shelf [OCS]..................................... Interior 

Outreach for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers (USDA)................ Agriculture 

Overseas Dependents Education (DOD)............................... Def./Mil. Con. 

Overseas Private Investment Corporation........................... State-For. Ops. 


Patent and Trademark Office (Commerce)............................ Commerce-Just. 

Peace Corps....................................................... State-For. Ops. 

Peacekeeping Operations (State)................................... State-For. Ops. 

Pell Grants (Education)........................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (Labor)...................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 
        (Transportation).......................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Postal Rate Commission............................................ Trans.-Treas. 

President’s Commission on White House Fellows (OPM)............... Trans.-Treas. 

President’s Council on Physical Fitness (HHS)..................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Presidio Trust.................................................... Interior 

Property Management and Disposal Activities (GSA)................. Trans.-Treas. 

Public Buildings Service (GSA).................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Public Health Service (HHS)....................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Public Law 480 Program (USDA)..................................... Agriculture 

Public Telecommunications Facilities Grants (Commerce)............ Commerce-Just. 


Railroad Retirement Board......................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Reading First Program............................................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Ready Reserve Force (MarAd)....................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Refugee Assistance (Domestic) (HHS)............................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Rehabilitation Services and Disability Research (Education)....... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Reimbursement for Net Realized Losses (USDA)...................... Agriculture 

Rental Assistance Program (USDA).................................. Agriculture 

Research and Education Activities (USDA).......................... Agriculture 

Research and Innovative Technology Administration 
        (Transportation).......................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Resident Tuition Support (D.C.)................................... D.C. 

Resource Conservation and Development (USDA)...................... Agriculture 

Retirement and Disability Fund (OPM).............................. Trans.-Treas. 

Risk Management Agency (USDA)..................................... Agriculture 

Runaway and Homeless Youth (HHS).................................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Rural Business-Cooperative Service (USDA)......................... Agriculture 

Rural Community Advancement Program (USDA)........................ Agriculture 

Rural Cooperative Development Grants (USDA)....................... Agriculture 

Rural Development Loan Fund (USDA)................................ Agriculture 

Rural Development Salaries and Expenses (USDA).................... Agriculture 

Rural Economic Development Grants (USDA).......................... Agriculture 

Rural Economic Development Loans (USDA)........................... Agriculture 

Rural Electrification and Telecommunications 
        Loans Program (USDA)...................................... Agriculture 

Rural Housing Assistance Grants (USDA)............................ Agriculture 

Rural Housing Insurance Fund (USDA)............................... Agriculture 

Rural Housing Service (USDA)...................................... Agriculture 

Rural Telephone Bank (USDA)....................................... Agriculture 

Rural Utilities Service (USDA).................................... Agriculture 


Safe and Drug-Free Schools........................................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

School Improvement Programs (Education)........................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Science and Technology (DHS)...................................... Homeland 

Securities and Exchange Commission................................ Commerce-Just. 

Selective Service System.......................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Senate............................................................ Legislative 

Sexually Transmitted Disease Program (HHS)........................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Small Business Administration..................................... Commerce-Just. 

Smithsonian Institution........................................... Interior 

Social Security Administration.................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Social Services Block Grant (HHS)................................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Southeastern Power Administration (DOE)........................... Energy-Water 

Southwestern Power Administration (DOE)........................... Energy-Water 

Special Assistance to the President (Executive Office of 
        the President)............................................ Trans.-Treas. 

Special Benefits for Disabled Coal Miners (Labor)................. Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Special Education (Education)..................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Special Institutions for Persons With Disabilities (Education).... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, 
        and Children [WIC] (USDA)................................. Agriculture 

St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (Transportation)...... Trans.-Treas. 

State Justice Institute........................................... Commerce-Just. 

State Mediation Grants (USDA)..................................... Agriculture 

State, Department of.............................................. State-For. Ops. 
        Counterterrorism.......................................... State-For. Ops. 
        International Narcotics Control........................... State-For. Ops. 
        Migration and Refugee Assistance.......................... State-For. Ops. 

Strategic Petroleum Reserve (DOE)................................. Energy-Water 

Student Financial Assistance (Education).......................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (HHS)... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Supplemental Security Income (SSA)................................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Supreme Court (Judiciary)......................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Surface Transportation Board...................................... Trans.-Treas. 


Technology Administration (Commerce).............................. Commerce-Just. 

Trade Adjustment Assistance/Firms (Commerce)...................... Commerce-Just. 

Trade Adjustment Assistance/Workers (Labor)....................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Trade and Development Agency...................................... State-For. Ops. 

Transportation Security Administration (DHS)...................... Homeland 

Transportation, Department of..................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Treasury, Department of the....................................... Trans.-Treas. 


U.S. Attorneys (Justice).......................................... Commerce-Just. 

U.S. Coast Guard (DHS)............................................ Homeland 

U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims......................... Mil. Con. 

U.S. Court of Military Appeals (DOD).............................. Defense 

U.S. Courts of Appeals (Judiciary)................................ Trans.-Treas. 

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Interior)......................... Interior 

U.S. Foreign and Commercial Service (Commerce).................... Commerce-Just. 

U.S. Institute of Peace........................................... State-For. Ops. 

U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness.......................... Trans.-Treas. 

U.S. Marshal Service (Justice).................................... Commerce-Just. 

U.S. Mint (Treasury).............................................. Trans.-Treas. 

U.S. Mission to the United Nations (State)........................ State-For. Ops. 

U.S. Parole Commission (Justice).................................. Commerce-Just. 

U.S. Postal Service............................................... Trans.-Treas. 

U.S. Secret Service (DHS)......................................... Homeland 

U.S. Sentencing Commission (Judiciary)............................ Trans.-Treas. 

U.S. Tax Court.................................................... Trans.-Treas. 

Unanticipated Needs (Executive Office of the President)........... Trans.-Treas. 

Unemployment Trust Fund (Labor)................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Uniformed Services University of the Health Services.............. Def./Mil. Con. 

United Nations: 
        Assessed Dues (State)..................................... State-For. Ops. 
        U.N. Peacekeeping (State)................................. State-For. Ops. 
        Voluntary Contributions..................................  State-For. Ops. 

United States Merchant Marine Academy............................. Trans.-Treas. 


Veterans Affairs, Department of................................... Mil. Con. 

Veterans Employment and Training (Labor).......................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Vice Presidential Residence (DOD-Navy)............................ Trans.-Treas. 

Vocational and Adult Education (Education)........................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Voice of America (BBG)............................................ State-For. Ops. 


Wage and Hour Division (Labor).................................... Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.................... Trans.-Treas. 

Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations (USDA).................. Agriculture 

Watershed Surveys and Planning (USDA)............................. Agriculture 

Western Area Power Administration (DOE)........................... Energy-Water 

White House Commission on the National Moment of Remembrance...... Mil. Con. 

White House Office, the (Executive Office of the President)....... Trans.-Treas. 

White House Residence (U.S. Park Service)......................... Trans.-Treas. 

Woman’s Bureau (Labor)............................................ Labor-HHS-Ed. 

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.................. Interior 

World Health Organization (State)................................. State-For. Ops. 


Agriculture = Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related 

Commerce-Just. = Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related 

Defense = Subcommittee on Defense 

D.C. = Subcommittee on the District of Columbia 

Energy-Water = Subcommittee on Energy and Water, and Related  Agencies 

Homeland = Subcommittee on Homeland Security 

Interior = Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies 

Labor-HHS-Ed. = Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, 
        Education, and Related Agencies 

Legislative = Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch 

Mil. Con. = Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, 
        and Related Agencies 

State-For. Ops. = Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related 

Trans-Treas. = Subcommittee on Transportation, Treasury, the Judiciary, 
        Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies 



Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund (USDA)  

Agricultural Marketing Service (USDA)  

Agricultural Research Service (USDA)  

 Buildings and Facilities (USDA)  

Agriculture Buildings and Facilities and Rental Payments (USDA)  

Agriculture, U.S. Department of (except Forest Service)  

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA)  

 Buildings and Facilities (USDA) 

Child Nutrition Programs (USDA)  

Commodity Assistance Program (USDA)  

Commodity Credit Corporation (USDA)  

Commodity Futures Trading Commission  

Common Computing  Environment (USDA)  

Conservation Operations (USDA)  

Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (USDA) 

Dairy Indemnity Program (USDA)  

Departmental Administration (USDA)  

Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program (USDA)  

Economic Research Service (USDA)  

Emergency Conservation Program (USDA)  

Export Loans Program (USDA)  

Extension Activities (USDA)  

Farm Credit Administration  

Farm Credit System Financial Assistance Corporation  

Farm Labor Housing Program  

Farm Service Agency (USDA)  

Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (USDA)  

Food and Drug Administration (HHS)  

Food and Drug Administration Buildings and Facilities (HHS)  

Food and Nutrition Service (USDA)  

Food Donations Programs (USDA)  

Food Program Administration (USDA)  

Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA)  

Food Stamp Program (USDA)  

Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA)  

Funds for Strengthening Markets, Income, and Supply (section 32) (USDA) 

General Sales Manager (USDA)  

Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration (USDA)  

Hazardous Materials Management (USDA)  

Inspection and Weighing Services (USDA)  

Integrated Activities (USDA)  

Mutual and Self-Help Housing Grants (USDA)  

National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA)  

Native American Institutions Endowment Fund (USDA)  

National Appeals Division (USDA)  

Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA)  

Office of Budget and Program Analysis (USDA)  

Office of Communications (USDA)  

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration (USDA)  

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations (USDA)  

Office of the Chief Economist (USDA)  

Office of the Chief Financial Officer (USDA)  

Office of the Chief Information Officer (USDA)  

Office of the General Counsel (USDA)  

Office of the Inspector General (USDA)  

Office of the Secretary (USDA)  

Office of the Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services (USDA) 

Office of the Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services (USDA) 

Office of the Under Secretary for Food Safety (USDA)  

Office of the Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs (USDA) 

Office of the Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment (USDA) 

Office of the Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics (USDA) 

Office of the Under Secretary for Rural Development (USDA)  

Operations and Maintenance for Hazardous Waste Management (USDA) 

Outreach for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers (USDA)  

Public Law 480 Program (USDA)  

Reimbursement for Net Realized Losses (USDA)  

Rental Assistance Program (USDA)  

Research and Education Activities (USDA)  

Resource Conservation and Development (USDA)  

Risk Management Agency (USDA)  

Rural Business-Cooperative Service (USDA)  

Rural Community Advancement Program (USDA)  

Rural Cooperative Development Grants (USDA)  

Rural Development Loan Fund (USDA)  

Rural Development Salaries and Expenses (USDA)  

Rural Economic Development Loans (USDA)  

Rural Economic Development Grants (USDA)  

Rural Electrification and Telecommunications Loans Program (USDA) 

Rural Housing Assistance Grants (USDA)  

Rural Housing Insurance Fund (USDA)  

Rural Housing Service (USDA)  

Rural Telephone Bank (USDA)  

Rural Utilities Service (USDA)  

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children [WIC] (USDA) 

State Mediation Grants (USDA)  

Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations (USDA)  

Watershed Surveys and Planning (USDA)  


Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (Justice)  

Bureau of Economic and Statistical Analysis  (Commerce)  

Bureau of Export Administration (Commerce)  

Bureau of Prisons (Justice)  

Bureau of the Census (Commerce)  

Commerce, Department of  

Commission on Civil Rights  

Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act [CALEA]  

Disaster Loans Program (Small Business Administration)  

Drug Enforcement Administration (Justice)  

Economic and Statistical Analysis (Commerce)  

Economic Development Administration (Commerce) 

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission  

Federal Bureau of Investigation (Justice)  

Federal Communications Commission  

Federal Prison Industries Incorporated (Justice)  

Federal Trade Commission  

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission (Justice)  

International Trade Administration (Commerce)  

International Trade Commission  

International Trade Negotiations (U.S. Trade Representative)  

Justice Assistance (Justice)  

Justice, Department of  

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Justice)  

Legal Services Corporation  

Marine Mammal Commission  

Minority Business Development Agency (Commerce)  

National Aeronautics and Space Administration  

National Institute of Corrections (Justice)  

National Institute of Standards and Technology (Commerce)  

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Commerce)  

National Science Foundation  

National Technical Information Service (Commerce)  

National Telecommunications and Information Administration (Commerce) 

Office of Justice Programs (Justice)  

Office of Science and Technology Policy (Executive Office of the President) 

Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (Executive Office of the President) 

Ounce of Prevention Council  

Patent and Trademark Office (Commerce)  

Public Telecommunications Facilities Grants (Commerce)  

Securities and Exchange Commission  

Small Business Administration  

State Justice Institute  

Technology Administration (Commerce)  

Trade Adjustment Assistance/Firms (Commerce)  

U.S. Attorneys (Justice)  

U.S. Foreign and Commercial Service (Commerce)  

U.S. Marshal Service (Justice)  

U.S. Parole Commission (Justice)  


Advanced Research Projects Agency (DOD)  

Air Force, Department of the (DOD) (See also Military Construction and 
        Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies) 

Army, Department of the (DOD) (See also Military Construction and Veterans 
        Affairs, and Related Agencies) 

Central Intelligence Agency (Executive)  

Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System  

Defense Agencies (DOD) (See also Military Construction and Veterans 
        Affairs, and Related Agencies)  

Defense Conversion Commission (DOD)  

Defense Finance and Accounting Service  

Defense Intelligence Agency (DOD) (See also Military Construction and 
        Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies) 

Defense Investigative Service (DOD)  

Defense Logistics Agency (DOD) (See also Military Construction and Veterans 
        Affairs, and Related Agencies) 

Defense Mapping Agency  (DOD)  (See also Military Construction and Veterans 
        Affairs, and Related Agencies) 

Defense - Military: Department of   (See also Military Construction and 
        Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies) 
                 Department of the Air Force  
                 Department of the Army  
                 Department of the Navy  
                 Marine Corps  
                 Office of the Secretary of Defense  

Defense Security and Cooperation Agency (See also State, Foreign Operations, 
-and Related Programs) 

Intelligence Community  

Missile Defense Agency (DOD) (See also Military Construction and Veterans 
        Affairs, and Related Agencies)  

National Guard and Reserve Components (DOD) (See also Military Construction 
        and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies) 

Navy, Department of the (DOD) (See also Military Construction and Veterans 
        Affairs, and Related Agencies) 

North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO]: (See also Military Construction 
        and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies)  
        Department of Defense 

National Reconnaissance Office  

National Security Agency (DOD) (See also Military Construction and Veterans 
        Affairs, and Related Agencies) 

Overseas Dependents Education (DOD) (See also Military Construction and 
        Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies) 

Uniformed Services University of the Health Services  (See also Military 
        Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies) 

U.S. Court of Military Appeals (DOD)  


Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia  

District of Columbia  

District of Columbia Courts  

Resident Tuition Support (D.C.)  


Alaska Power Administration (DOE)  

Appalachian Regional Commission/Appalachian Development Highway System  
        (See also Transportation, Treasury, the Judiciary, Housing and 
        Urban Development, and Related Agencies) 

Army, Department of the (Civil Works)  

Bonneville Power Administration (DOE)  

Bureau of Reclamation (Interior)  

Clean Coal Technology (DOE)  

Corps of Engineers - Civil  

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board  

Delta Regional Authority  

Denali Commission  

Defense - Civil: Department of 
 Department of the Army: 
  See Corps of Engineers - Civil 

Energy Conservation (DOE)  

Energy, Department of (DOE)  

Energy Information Administration (DOE)  

Falcon and Amistad Operating and Maintenance Fund (DOE)  

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Energy)  

Fossil Energy Research and Development (DOE)  

National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE)  

Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves (DOE)  

Naval Reactors (DOE)  

Nuclear Regulatory Commission  

Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board  

Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOE)  

Southeastern Power Administration (DOE)  

Southwestern Power Administration (DOE)  

Strategic Petroleum Reserve (DOE)  

Western Area Power Administration (DOE)  


Agricultural Quarantine Inspection  

Citizenship and Immigration Services (DHS)  

Counterterrorism Fund (DHS)  

Customs and Border Protection (DHS)  

Disaster Relief (DHS)  

Disaster Assistance Direct Loan Program (DHS)  

Emergency Food and Shelter (DHS)  

Emergency Preparedness and Response Operating Expenses (DHS)  

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (DHS)  

Flood Map Modernization Fund (DHS)  

Homeland Security, Department of (DHS)  

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS)  

Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection (DHS)  

National Flood Insurance Fund (DHS)  

Office for State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness (DHS) 

Office of the Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security 

Science and Technology (DHS)  

Transportation Security Administration (DHS)  

U.S. Coast Guard (DHS)  

U.S. Secret Service (DHS)  


Advisory Council on Historic Preservation  

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (HHS)  

Bureau of Indian Affairs (Interior)  

Bureau of Land Management (Interior)  

Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board  

Commission on Fine Arts  

Council on Environmental Quality and Office of Environmental Quality 
        (Executive Office of the President) 

Environmental Protection Agency  

Forest Service (USDA)  

Geological Survey (Interior)  

Historic Preservation Fund (Interior)  

Holocaust Memorial Museum  

Indian Health Service (HHS)  

Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development 

Interior, Department of the  
 Except Bureau of Reclamation. 

John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts  

Land and Water Conservation Fund (Interior)  

Minerals Management Service (Interior)  

National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs  

National Capital Planning Commission  

National Endowment for the Arts  

National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities  

National Gallery of Art  

National Indian Gaming Commission  

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIH) (See also Labor, 
        Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies) 

National Park Service (Interior)  

National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian)  

National Zoological Park (Smithsonian)  

Office of Insular Affairs (Interior)  

Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation  

Office of Special Trustee for American Indians (Interior)  

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (Interior)  

Outer Continental Shelf [OCS]  

Presidio Trust  

Smithsonian Institution  

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Interior)  

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars  


Administration on Aging (HHS)  

Administration for Children and Families (HHS)  

Administration on Native Americans (HHS)  

Adolescent Pregnancy (HHS)  

Adult Education (Education)  

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (HHS)  

Aging Programs (HHS)  

American Printing House for the Blind (Education)  


Assistance Payments/TANF (HHS)  

Bilingual and Immigrant Education (Education)  

Black Lung Benefits (Labor)  

Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (Labor)  

Bureau of International Labor Affairs (Labor)  

Bureau of Labor Statistics (Labor)  

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (HHS)  

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (HHS)  

Child Care Assistance (HHS)  

Child Support Enforcement (HHS)  

Child Welfare Services (HHS)  

Children and Family Services Programs (HHS)  

College Housing and Academic Facilities Loans (Education)  

Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled 

Community Health Centers (HHS)  

Community Service Employment for Older Americans (Labor)  

Community Services Block Grant (HHS)  

Consumer Price Index (Labor)  

Corporation for National and Community Service:  
 Domestic Volunteer Service Programs  

Corporation for Public Broadcasting  

Developmental Disabilities (HHS)  

Dislocated Worker Assistance (Labor)  

Education, Department of  

Education for the Disadvantaged - Title I (Education)  

Employee Benefits Security Administration (Labor)  

Employment and Training Administration (Labor)  

Employment Service Operations (Labor)  

Employment Standards Administration (Labor)  

English Language Acquisition (Education)  

Family Planning (HHS)  

Federal Family Education Loan Program (Education)  

Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service  

Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission  

Federal Old Age and  Survivors Insurance (SSA)  

Federal Unemployment Benefits and Allowances (Labor)  

Foster Care/Adoption Assistance (HHS)  

Gallaudet University (Education)  

Grants to States for Social and Child Welfare Services - Title XX (HHS) 

Head Start Program (HHS)  

Health and Human Services, Department of (HHS)  
  Food and Drug Administration 
  Indian Health and Construction Activities 
  Office of Consumer Affairs 

Health Professions Education (HHS)  

Health Resources and Services Administration  (HHS)  

Health Services Research (HHS)  

Higher Education (Education)  

Howard University  (Education)  

Immunization Program (HHS)  

Impact Aid (Education)  

Indian Education (Education)  

Institute of Education Sciences (Education)  

Institute of Museum and Library Services: 
 Office of Library Services   
 Office of Museum Services  

International Education (Education)  

Job Corps (Labor)  

John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health 
        Sciences (NIH) 

Labor, Department of  

Labor-Management Standards (Labor)  


Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (HHS)  

Maternal and Child Health (HHS)  

Medicaid/Medicare Contractors (HHS)  

Medicare Payment Advisory Commission  

Migrant Education (Education)  

Migrant Health (HHS)  

Mine Health and Safety Academy (Labor)  

Mine Safety and Health Administration (Labor)  

National Cancer Institute (NIH)  

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NIH)  

National Center for Health Statistics (HHS)  

National Center for Research Resources (NIH)  

National Commission on Libraries and Information Science  

National Council on Disability  

National Eye Institute (NIH)  

National Health Service Corps (HHS)  

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH)  

National Human Genome Research Institute (NIH)  

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH)  

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIH) 

National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIH)  

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NIH)  

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIH)  

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIH) 

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIH) (See also 
        Interior and Related Agencies) 

National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH)  

National Institute of Mental Health (NIH)  

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH)  

National Institute of Nursing Research (NIH)  

National Institute on Aging (NIH)  

National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIH)  

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIH) 

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH)  

National Institute on Occupational Safety and Health (HHS)  

National Institutes of Health (HHS)  

National Labor Relations Board  

National Library of Medicine (NIH)  

National Mediation Board  

National Technical Institute for the Deaf (Education)  

National Youth Sports Program (HHS)  

Native American Programs (HHS)  

Nursing Workforce Development (HHS)  

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Labor)  

Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission  

Office for Civil Rights (HHS) (Education)  

Office of Disability Policy (Labor)  

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (Education)  

Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (Labor)  

Office of Library Services (Institute of Museum and Library Services) 

Office of Museum Services (Institute of Museum and Library Services) 

Office of Refugee Resettlement (HHS)  

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (Education)  

Office of Work-Based Learning (Labor)  

Pell Grants (Education)  

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (Labor)  

President’s Council on Physical Fitness (HHS)  

Public Health Service (HHS)  

Railroad Retirement Board  

Reading First Program  

Refugee Assistance (Domestic) (HHS)  

Rehabilitation Services and Disability Research (Education)  

Runaway and Homeless Youth (HHS)  

Safe and Drug-Free Schools  

School Improvement Programs (Education)  

Sexually Transmitted Disease Program (HHS)  

Social Security Administration  

Social Services Block Grant (HHS)  

Special Benefits for Disabled Coal Miners (Labor)  

Special Education (Education)  

Special Institutions for Persons With Disabilities (Education)  

Student Financial Assistance (Education)  

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (HHS)  

Supplemental Security Income (SSA)  

Trade Adjustment Assistance/Workers (Labor)  

Unemployment Trust Fund (Labor)  

Veterans Employment and Training (Labor)  

Vocational and Adult Education (Education)  

Wage and Hour Division (Labor)  

Woman’s Bureau (Labor)  


Architect of the Capitol  

Books for the Blind and Physically Handicapped  

Botanic Garden  

Capitol Police  

Congressional Budget Office  

Congressional Research Service (Library of   Congress)  

Government Accountability Office  

Government Printing Office  

House of Representatives  

John C. Stennis Center for Public Service, Training, and Development 

Joint Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies  

Joint Economic Committee  

Joint Committee on Printing  

Joint Committee on Taxation  

Library of Congress  

Office of Compliance  

Open World Leadership Program  



Air Force, Department of the (DOD) (See also Defense)  

American Battle Monuments Commission  

Armed Forces Retirement Home  

Army, Department of the (DOD) (See also Defense)  

Defense Agencies (DOD) (See also Defense)  

Defense Base Closure Accounts  

Defense - Civil: Department of 
 Department of the Army: 
  Cemeterial Expenses  

Defense Facilities Replacement  

Defense Intelligence Agency (DOD) (See also Defense)  

Defense Logistics Agency (DOD) (See also Defense)  

Defense Mapping Agency  (DOD) (See also Defense)  

Defense - Military: Department of (See also Defense) 
 Department of the Air Force  
 Department of the Army  
 Department of the Navy  
 Marine Corps  
 Office of the Secretary of Defense  

Homeowners Assistance Fund  

Military Construction  
 Defense Agencies  
 Department of the Air Force  
 Department of the Army  
 Department of the Navy  
 Marine Corps  
 Reserve Forces  

Military Family Housing  

Missile Defense Agency (DOD) (See also Defense)  

National Guard and Reserve Components (DOD) (See also Defense)  

National Security Agency (DOD) (See also Defense)  

NATO Infrastructure  

Navy, Department of the (DOD) (See also Defense)  

North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO]: (See also Defense) 
 Department of Defense  

Overseas Dependents Education (DOD) (See also Defense)  

Uniformed Services University of the Health Services (See also Defense) 

U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims  

Veterans Affairs, Department of  

White House Commission on the National Moment of Remembrance  


African Development Bank (Treasury)  

African Development Foundation  

African Development Fund (Treasury)  

Agency for International Development  

American Institute in Taiwan (State)  

Anti-terrorism Assistance (State)  

Asia Foundation (State)  

Asian Development Bank (Treasury)  

Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG/State)  
        International Broadcasting operations (BBG/State)  

Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad  

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission) 

Contributions to International Organizations (State)  

Defense Security and Cooperation Agency (See also Defense)  

East-West Center  

Economic Support Fund (AID)  

Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs (State)  

Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund (State)  

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Treasury)  

Export-Import Bank  

Food and Agricultural Organization (State)  

Foreign Military Financing Program (State)  

Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund (State)  

Fulbright Program (State)  

Inter-American Development Bank (Treasury)  

Inter-American Foundation  

International Atomic Energy Agency (State)  

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) (Treasury)  

International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico (State)  

International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada (State) 

International Civil Aviation Organization (State)  

International Commissions (State)  

International Conferences and Contingencies (State)  

International Development Association (Treasury)  

International Disaster Assistance (AID)  

International Finance Corporation (Treasury)  

International Financial Institutions (Treasury)  

International Fisheries Commissions (State)  

International Fund for Agricultural Development  

International Fund for Ireland (State)  

International Military Education and Training  (State)  

International Monetary Fund (Treasury)  

International Narcotics Control Law Enforcement (State)  

International Organizations and Conferences (State)  

International Organizations and Programs (State)  

Microenterprise Development (AID)  

Migration and Refugee Assistance (State)  

Missions to International Organizations (State)  

Multilateral Development Banks (Treasury)  

National Endowment for Democracy (State)  

North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO]: Civil (State)  

Organization of American States: 
        Assessed contributions  
        Voluntary contributions  

Overseas Private Investment Corporation  

Peace Corps  

Peacekeeping Operations (State)  

State, Department of  
        International Narcotics Control  
        Migration and Refugee Assistance  

Trade and Development Agency  

North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO]:  
        Civil (State)  

United Nations: 
        Assessed Dues (State)  
        U.N. Peacekeeping (State)  
        Voluntary Contributions  

U.S. Institute of Peace  

U.S. Mission to the United Nations (State)  

Voice of America (BBG)  

World Health Organization (State)  


Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (Judiciary)  

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (Treasury)  

Allowances and Office Staff for Former Presidents (GSA)  

Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)  

Appalachian Regional Commission/Appalachian Development Highway System 
        (See also Energy and Water, and Related Agencies)  

Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board  

Bureau of Engraving and Printing (Treasury)  

Bureau of the Public Debt (Treasury)  

Bureau of Transportation Statistics (Transportation)  

Care of Supreme Court Building and Grounds (Architect of the Capitol) 

Community Development Financial Institutions  

Compensation of the President (Executive Office of the President)  

Consumer Product Safety Commission  

Council of Economic Advisers (Executive Office of the President)  

Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center (ONDCP)  

Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (Judiciary)  

Court of International Trade (Judiciary)  

Courts of Appeals, District Courts, and Other Judicial Services (Judiciary) 

Election Assistance Commission  

Executive Office of the President  

Executive Residence at the White House (Executive Office of the President) 

FDIC Inspector General  

Federal Aviation Administration (Transportation)  

Federal Buildings Fund (GSA)  

Federal Citizen Information Center (GSA)  

Federal Election Commission  

Federal Highway Administration (Transportation)  

Federal Housing Administration (HUD)  

Federal Judicial Center (Judiciary)  

Federal Labor Relations Authority  

Federal Maritime Commission  

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (Transportation)  

Federal Railroad Administration (Transportation)  

Federal Supply Service (GSA)  

Federal Transit Administration (Transportation)  

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (Treasury)  

Financial Management Service (Treasury)  

Funds Appropriated to the President (Executive Office of the President) 

General Services Administration (GSA)  

Government National Mortgage Association (HUD)  

High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (ONDCP)  

Housing and Urban Development, Department of  

Information Security Oversight Office (NARA)  

Internal Revenue Service (Treasury)  


Maritime Administration (Transportation)  

Merit Systems Protection Board  

Morris K. Udall Environmental Dispute Fund  

Morris K. Udall Scholarship Trust Fund  

National Archives and Records Administration  

National Credit Union Administration: 
        Central Liquidity Facility  
        Community Development Revolving Loan Fund  

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (Transportation)  

National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NARA)  

National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak)  

National Security Council (Executive Office of the President)  

National Transportation Safety Board  

Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation  

Office of Administration (Executive Office of the President)  

Office of Government Ethics  

Office of Management and Budget (Executive Office of the President)  

Office of National Drug Control Policy  

Office of Personnel Management  

Office of Policy Development (Executive Office of the President)  

Office of Special Counsel  

Official Residence of the Vice President (Executive Office of the President) 

Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (Transportation) 

Postal Rate Commission  

President’s Commission on White House Fellows (OPM)  

Property Management and Disposal Activities (GSA)  

Public Buildings Service (GSA)  

Ready Reserve Force (MarAd)  

Research and Innovative Technology Administration (Transportation) 

Retirement and Disability Fund (OPM)  

Selective Service System  

Special Assistance to the President (Executive Office of the President) 

St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (Transportation)  

Supreme Court (Judiciary)  

Surface Transportation Board  

Transportation, Department of  

Treasury, Department of the  

Unanticipated Needs (Executive Office of the President)  

United States Merchant Marine Academy  

U.S. Courts of Appeals (Judiciary)  

U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness  

U.S. Mint (Treasury)  

U.S. Postal Service  

U.S. Sentencing Commission (Judiciary)  

U.S. Tax Court  

Vice Presidential Residence (DOD-Navy)  

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority  

White House Office, the (Executive Office of the President)  

White House Residence (U.S. Park Service)  


Office of Thrift Supervision  


American National Red Cross  

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System  

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (except Federal Savings and Loan 
        Insurance Corporation)  

Institute of Medicine  

National Academy of Engineering  

National Academy of Sciences  

National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies 

National Capital Housing Authority  

National Research Council  
