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Coastal Barrier Resource System Map Panel Information

City of Charleston, South Carolina

CID FIPS Code Community County State Map Number FIRM Date CBRS Units on FIRM Panel Earliest CBRS Date on Map Panel Not Printed Reason Comments
455412 45019 Charleston (City) Charleston SC 45019C0519J 11/17/04 M06 11/16/90   Shown on the Charleston County FIRM
455412 45019 Charleston (City) Charleston SC 45019C0679J 11/17/04 M06 11/16/90   Shown on the Charleston County FIRM
455412 45019 Charleston (City) Charleston SC 45019C0681J 11/17/04 M06 10/01/83   Shown on the Charleston County FIRM
455412 45019 Charleston (City) Charleston SC 45019C0682J 11/17/04 M06 10/01/83   Shown on the Charleston County FIRM
455412 45019 Charleston (City) Charleston SC 45019C0685J 11/17/04 M06 10/01/83   Shown on the Charleston County FIRM
455412 45019 Charleston (City) Charleston SC 45019C0687J 11/17/04 M06 11/16/90   Shown on the Charleston County FIRM
455412 45019 Charleston (City) Charleston SC 45019C0705J 11/17/04 M06 10/01/83   Shown on the Charleston County FIRM

Last Modified: Wednesday, 11-Oct-2006 12:26:39 EDT