United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

DOCLINE -- Reprinting Requests

Question: How do I reprint requests?

To re-print requests from the Status/Cancel window do the following:

  1. Select Requests, then Status/Cancel.

  2. Enter the request number in the box on the left and click Go.


  1. Enter the Set search limits values as appropriate for your needs (e.g., DOCLINE or Loansome Doc, Borrow or Lend, etc.)

  2. Click the Go button on the far right hand side of the window.

  3. Click the link on the desired request number under the Request # column to view the request.

  4. Use your browser's print functionality to print the request.

Related Questions:
How do I review requests without receipting them?
Once I acknowledge a request and leave the receipt page, how can I review the request again?

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Last reviewed: 18 September 2008
Last updated: 18 September 2008
First published: 25 September 2000
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