NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service - Northwest Region
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Artificial Propagation (Hatchery) Reports

Salmonid Hatchery Inventory and Effects Evaluation Report (May 2004) (PDF 2.6MB)
details information and analyses presented at NOAA Fisheries’ Artificial Propagation Evaluation Workshop in April 2004 and incorporates comments and input received

Artificial Propagation Evaluation (APE) Workshop (April 2004)
evaluation of best available scientific & commercial information on hatchery programs to assess their contribution to viability of entire population segments as part of Endangered Species Act (ESA) status review

Salmon and Steelhead Hatchery Assessment Group Report (May 2003) (PDF 571KB)
evaluation of relationships between hatchery stocks and ESA-listed natural Pacific salmon & steelhead populations

Report on Northwest Power Planning Council Artificial Production Review (October 1999) (PDF 862KB -- links to Northwest Power and Conservation Council Website)
review of all federally funded artificial production programs in Columbia River Basin


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