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Colorado State Archives
Reference Request Form

Search our On-line Indexes, our Family History Page and our  Historic Records Database first! You may find valuable information about our records and the people you are seeking.
  • Please fill out the reference request form below as completely as possible so that your request may be processed quickly. 
  • When you are finished filling out the request form, submit it by clicking the "submit" button at the bottom of the form. A confirmation page will come up indicating that you have successfully submitted the request. It may be up to 10 business days before we can provide you with the cost or an estimate of the costs for your research. If you need immediate assistance please call 303-866-2390, during our working hours between 9:00a.m. to 4:30p.m. MST, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 
  • The personal information that you submit will not be used for any purpose other than to fulfill your request and will be kept strictly confidential. Please see our privacy statement for further information. 


The Colorado General Assembly has directed that fees be charged for information and genealogy search requests in accord with CRS 24-80-102 (10)

Fees for research and copies by Archives staff whether the information is found or not. All applicable fees must be paid in advance :

General Requests

Colorado Residents: $15.00 per search or name to include 3 pages of copies with additional pages of copy work at $1.25 per page.
Out-of-State Requests:

$25.00 per search or name to include 3 pages of copies with
additional pages of copy work at $1.25 per page.

Certified Copies: $10.00 and up per document.

Professional Assistance: 30.00 per hour charged in fifteen minute intervals ($7.50 for every fifteen minutes).

Specific Requests

Corporation Searches:

$25.00 per corporation to include 3 pages of copies with additional 
pages of copy work at $1.25 per page.


Radon Searches:

$25.00 per name to include 3 pages of copies with additional pages 
of copy work at $1.25 per page.


Contact Information

* Indicates required fields

Last Name*
First Name
Firm or Business Name

 Apt. or Suite #


State or Province
E-Mail *    

Please check here if we have done research for you in the last 3 months

Person/Entity to Research
(1 person/entity, household or marriage per form)

Name of person or entity whose record is sought. (Surname, first and middle name if known. If corporation, give full legal name.)

Approximate year or time period of requested record. (Be as specific as possible within 10 years. For census searches, be specific as to which census to search.)

County, city or locality to search. (Your search may be limited  if we do not have a locality to search as statewide indexes do not exist for most types of records.)

Other information about the person/entity that may help us to locate a record.

What specific information are you looking for?

What kind of records would you like us to search? (See our On-line Indexes, Family History, and Historic Records Database pages). You may also use this space to clarify or  supplement this form and provide us with case numbers, identifying record numbers, index citations or other specific information about the record that you are searching for.