United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

FAQ: History of the National Library of Medicine

Question: What is the history of the National Library of Medicine?

The National Library of Medicine started in 1836 as a small collection of medical books and journals in the office of the United States Army Surgeon General. Before the collection moved in 1962 to National Institutes of Health Bethesda, MD, campus, it was housed at these locations:

  • From 1862-1866 it was in the Riggs Bank Building at 15th and Pennsylvania Avenue
  • From 1866-1887 it was in Ford's Theatre at 513 10th Street NW
  • From 1887-1962 it was in the Army Medical Museum and Library Building located at 7th Street and Independence Avenue SW
photo of John Shaw Billings

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Last reviewed: 02 September 2008
Last updated: 02 September 2008
First published: 31 January 2001
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed