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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence



AgencyPage The Life and Work of Stephan Haller
The Life and Work of Stephan Haller, Patrick R. Beller. This true biography of an intelligence officer is doubly a study in intelligence: it shows how a goodly endowment of intellectual equipment, the honing of scholasticism, and a catholic diversity of interests and experience provide none too elaborate a base for intelligence work, but indeed create the potential for extraordinary success. Haller's contributions to U.S. intelligence began in war, with the OSS. Often unorthodox in his methods but always effective in his stubborn onslaught on the work assigned him, he lived a career that is now part of the tradition of the U.S. intelligence service, a tradition that he and many of his colleagues have been building since the days of World War II ...
AgencyPage Intelligence Gathering in an Unlettered Land
Intelligence Gathering in an Unlettered Land, Francis Hollyman. If analysts and estimators find their political information on the illiterate countries lacking in depth, confined to the ostensible policies and evident intrigues of a few dominant families and providing little insight into future moves, sub-surface trends, or popular attitudes, the reasons are not far to seek. Our reporters in these countries, both the Foreign Service officers who maintain correct official contacts and especially the covert reporter whose business it is to probe outside this official sphere, must pit their efforts against formidable obstacles deriving from the peculiarities of an anachronistic society ...
AgencyPage Handwriting Analysis as an Assessment Aid
Handwriting Analysis as an Assessment Aid, Keith Laycock. An amateur graphologist pleads for at least a dry run on an assessment technique of potential value in intelligence ...
AgencyPage The Assessment of Graphology
The Assessment of Graphology, E. A. Rundquist. Two threads of argument run through the foregoing article on handwriting analysis. The first asserts the great need for research studies because "a proper test run has never been devised and carried out, at least not in the United States, to determine whether any graphologist can consistently deliver accurate results in the area of character delineation." The second asserts the value of graphology here and now as an assessment technique, making sweeping claims of what it can do. The arguments are essentially incompatible. If the claims are correct, the research is unnecessary; if there is no research evidence, the claims are unsupported. With the need for research to establish the value of graphology as an assessment technique I am in full agreement. I disagree with the claims for its current effectiveness ...
AgencyPage Developments in Air Targeting: Progress and Future
Developments in Air Targeting: Progress and Future, Kenneth T. Johnson. Four preceding articles in this series described how the USAF Directorate of Targets has been seeking to increase its capabilities by developing mathematical models and other techniques for the mass handling of data. This final article will look briefly at the progress of these techniques since the articles describing them were published and then examine some other analytical tools in process of development for the target intelligence specialist ...
AgencyPage William J. Donovan and the National Security
William J. Donovan and the National Security, Allen W. Dulles. Adaptation from an address delivered in tribute to the father of central intelligence. It was my privilege to be associated with William J. Donovan both as a lawyer between the wars and then during World War II, when I served under his command in the Office of Strategic Services. His courage and leadership made a profound impression on me. I should like to convey to you something of that impression, and some idea of what his pioneering has meant to all of us ...