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Arctic Activities

Conditions in the Arctic are changing rapidly. It is estimated that by 2020-2030 the Arctic Ocean will be free of multi-year ice in the summer, increasing opportunities for maritime transportation, tourism, oil and gas exploration. With worldwide demand for oil growing rapidly and easier access, it is possible that oil extraction in the Arctic will also increase. Along with this comes a greater possibility of spills and damage to the environment.

For more information
  • Arctic Response Issues Oil spills in arctic waters (i.e., oil in, on, or under ice, as well as, in broken ice, ice-infested or ice-covered waters) pose significant challenges for response, recovery, and restoration to minimize biological effects and reduce oil impacts on natural resources. [leaves OR&R site]

  • Arctic Activities A brief description of NOAA OR&R's activities, responsibilities, and experience in the arctic.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 222.5 K)

Upcoming Conferences
Impacts of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic
This page provides background information and planning details for the third U.S. National/Naval Ice Center (NIC) symposium that will continue to address the changing state of Arctic sea ice conditions and the present and future impacts on naval, maritime, and associated activities and operations in the region. [leaves OR&R site]
Emergency Planning and Business Continuity for Energy
Learn more about The Canadian Institute’s conference, Emergency Planning and Business Continuity for Energy. [leaves OR&R site]
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