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small noaa logo Home | Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD) | Helping Revitalize Communities
Portfields OverviewGeneral DescriptionFederal CommitmentsSouthern Louisiana RegionPilot Ports

Portfields - Pilot Ports

Bellingham Marina
Bellingham Marina

The Portfields federal agencies selected three pilot ports and will provide targeted resources to assist and expedite the planning and implementation of brownfields cleanup and reuse. The pilots were chosen for their willingness to participate, unique set of needs, commitment to port redevelopment, innovative approaches to waterfront planning and revitalization, and overall value federal assistance would add to the redevelopment effort.

New Bedford, MA - Plans to utilize Portfields designation to implement the New Bedford/Fairhaven Harbor Plan, which includes brownfields reuse, habitat restoration, navigational dredging, and increase public access to the waterfront.

Port of Tampa, FL - Through Portfields, Tampa seeks to cleanup and redevelop contaminated properties, protect the environmental health of Tampa Bay, and expand local economy.

Port of Bellingham, WA - Plans to utilize Portfields designation to redevelop contaminated sites, restore critical habitat in Bellingham Bay, and revitalize their waterfront.

Portfields OverviewGeneral DescriptionFederal CommitmentsSouthern Louisiana RegionPilot Ports
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