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Job Aids Updated!

NOAA SSC on board a helicopter.

NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) recently updated two of its job aids, the Open-Water Oil Identification Job Aid and the Dispersant Application Observer Job Aid. Job aids are laminated flip booklets designed to help oil spill responders complete their response tasks. The new job aids are available for order using the Order Form, below.

Open-Water Oil Identification Job Aid for Aerial Observation

An important step in spill response is to assess the character and extent of oil spilled on the water. This information is used by the Incident Command to prioritize response and direct cleanup resources. This job aid helps responders perform efficient assessments and use standard language to communicate their findings effectively. It includes numerous aerial color photos of oil on water, to help observers identify the thickness, structure, and estimated volume of oil on the water. This version uses new standardized language and codes for oil slick color/appearance and structure/distribution, to facilitate accurate communication between observers and responders.

Dispersant Application Observer Job Aid

This job aid was prepared as a companion field guide for individuals who have completed training in dispersant application observation. Observers can use it to refresh their memories on how to observe and identify dispersed and undispersed oil, describe oil characteristics, and report this information to decision-makers. We recommend that this book be used with the Open Water Oil Identification Job Aid for Aerial Observation to help describe both surface and dispersed oil.

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