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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health


MeSH Database (continued)

Click on MeSH Database from the sidebar. To search for a term in the MeSH Database, enter the term in the query box and click Go.[Show Me]

The following will be displayed:

  • Suggestions that are MeSH or Entry terms generated by an algorithm that compares letter combinations. [Show Me]

  • The definition of the concept is shown after the MeSH heading. [Show Me]

  • Links allow you to run a PubMed search; send the term to the Clinical Queries feature; or link to the MeSH Section’s MeSH Browser.[Show Me]

  • The Full display includes more information about the MeSH term including: [Show Me]

    • the year the term was introduced
    • subheadings selections [Show Me] Note: Click on the Subheadings link to see a list of subheading definitions.
    • a checkbox to restrict the term to the MeSH Major Topic and a checkbox to turn off MeSH explosions. [Show Me]
    • Entry Terms (synonyms) are provided.[Show Me]
    • The MeSH tree structure with the browsed term in bold typeface.[Show Me]


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Last reviewed: 28 April 2009
Last updated: 10 October 2008
First published: 20 March 2001
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanent: Dynamic Content