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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Graphic showing the integration of multiple databases using the Entrez search and retrieval system.  Databases include OMIM, PubMed, Full text electronic journals, Nucleotide Sequences, 3D Structutes, Maps & Genomes, Protein Sequences, and Taxonomy.

See an interactive view of Entrez links at

PubMed Overview (cont.)

  • PubMed is a Web-based retrieval system developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine. It is part of NCBI's vast retrieval system, known as Entrez.

  • PubMed is a database of bibliographic information drawn primarily from the life sciences literature.

  • PubMed contains links to full-text articles at participating publishers' Web sites as well as links to other third party sites such as libraries and sequencing centers.

  • PubMed provides access and links to the integrated molecular biology and chemistry databases maintained by NCBI.

The diagram illustrates the relationships between some of the information resources in Entrez.

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Last reviewed: 28 April 2009
Last updated: 10 October 2008
First published: 20 March 2001
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanent: Dynamic Content