Search Results Page

Your search results page is packed with information. Here's a quick guide to decoding it.

Each underlined item is a search result that the Google search engine found for your search terms. The first item (not counting News results) is the most relevant match we found, the second is the next-most relevant, and so on down the list.

Clicking on any underlined item will take you to the associated web page. But first, here's a sample search results page, along with brief explanations of the various types of information about your search results that you can find there.

A. Top links
Click the link for the Google service you want to use. You can search the web, look for images, browse Google Groups (Usenet discussion archive), or use Froogle to search for products.
B. Google search button
Click on this button to submit another search query. You can also submit your query by hitting the 'Enter' key.
C. Advanced search
This links to a page on which you can do more precise searches. [ Learn more about Advanced Search ]
D. Search field
To do a search on Google, just type in a few descriptive search terms, then hit “Enter” or click on the “Google Search” button.
E. Preferences
This links to a page that lets you set your personal search preferences, including your language, the number of results per page, and whether you want your search results screened by our SafeSearch filter to avoid seeing adult material.
F. Statistics bar
This line describes your search and indicates the total number of results, as well as how long the search took to complete.
G. Tip
Information that helps you search more efficiently and effectively by pointing out Google features and tools that might improve the query you just made.
H. OneBox results
Google's search technology finds many sources of specialized information. Those that are most relevant to your search are included at the top of your search results. Typical onebox results include news, stock quotes, weather and local websites related to your search.
I. Page title
The first line of any search result item is the title of the web page we found. If you see a URL instead of a title, then either the page has no title or we haven't yet indexed that page's full content, but its place in our index still tells us that it's a good match for your query.
J. Text below the title
This is an excerpt from the result page with your query terms are bolded. If we expanded the range of your search using stemming technology, the variations of your search terms that we searched for will also be bolded.
K. URL of result
This is the web address of the returned result.
L. Size
This number is the size of the text portion of the web page, and gives you some idea of how quickly it might display. You won't see a size figure for sites that we haven't yet indexed.

Clicking this link will show you the contents of the web page when we last indexed it. If for some reason the site link doesn't connect you to the current page, you might still find the information you need on the cached version.


Similar pages
When you select the Similar Pages link for a particular result, Google automatically scouts the Web for pages that are related to this result.

O. Indented result
When Google finds multiple results from the same website, the most relevant result is listed first, with other relevant pages from that site indented below it.
P. More results
If we find more than two results from the same site, the remaining results can be accessed by clicking on the "More results from..." link.

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