Audit Reports - FY2008 - No Script

SEP 2008 | AUG 2008 | JUL 2008 | JUN 2008 | MAY 2008 | APR 2008
MAR 2008 | FEB 2008 | JAN 2008 | DEC 2007 | NOV 2007 | OCT 2007

September 2008

Report NumberReport Details and Links
200840183The 2008 Filing Season Was Generally Successful Despite the Challenges of Late and Unexpected Tax Legislation
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830181Although the Large and Mid-Size Business Division’s Currency Initiative Was Considered a Success, Improvements Could Be Made in Future Initiatives
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820179Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration - Federal Information Security Management Act (Non-Intelligence - National Security Systems) Report for Fiscal Year 2008

200840182Processes Are Not Sufficient to Minimize Fraud and Ensure the Accuracy of Tax Refund Direct Deposits
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840180Most Automated Underreporter Program Notices Are Correct; However, Additional Oversight Is Needed
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820163The Internal Revenue Service Deployed Two of Its Most Important Modernized Systems With Known Security Vulnerabilities
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830165Additional Steps Need to Be Completed to Ensure the Success of the Service-wide Non-filer Strategy
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810172An Estimated $1.6 Billion in Fraudulent Refunds Was Issued During the 2006 and 2007 Filing Seasons
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840177Accuracy of Volunteer Tax Returns Continues to Improve, but Better Controls Are Needed to Ensure Consistent Application of Procedures and Processes
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830175The Telephone Excise Tax Refund Was Not Claimed on Business Tax Returns Primarily Because of the Perceived Work and Expense Involved to Do So
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820176The Office of Research, Analysis, and Statistics Needs to Address Computer Security Weaknesses
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820178Weaknesses in Business Resumption Plans Could Delay Recovery From a Disaster
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810148Emergency Preparedness at Internal Revenue Service Facilities Needs to Be Improved
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830156Opportunities Exist to Improve the Correspondence Examination Process for High-Income Nonfilers

200830158The Internal Revenue Service Needs to Evaluate Tolerance Levels to Ensure That Program Objectives Are Met

200830166Tax Forms and Publications Were Generally Obtainable, but the Time Required to Acquire Forms Could Be Reduced
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820161The Enterprise Systems Management Program Is Making Progress to Improve Service Delivery and Monitoring, but Risks Remain
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810160The Office of Appeals Continues to Show Improvement in Processing Collection Due Process Cases
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820151Customer Account Data Engine Project Management Practices Have Improved, but Continued Attention Is Needed to Ensure Future Success
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830157The Internal Revenue Service and Contractors Are Generally Following Procedures Established for the Private Debt Collection Program, but Improvements Are Needed
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820173Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration - Federal Information Security Management Act Report for Fiscal Year 2008

200810162Five Fair Tax Collection Practices Violations Resulted in Administrative Actions in Calendar Year 2007
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840174Evaluation of the Computation of Economic Stimulus Payments
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840171Most Tax Returns Prepared by a Limited Sample of Unenrolled Preparers Contained Significant Errors
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

August 2008

Report NumberReport Details and Links
200810169A More Strategic and Consistent Approach to Estimating Retirements and Other Separations Is Needed to Better Plan for Future Human Resource Needs
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840170Many Taxpayers Who Obtain Refund Anticipation Loans Could Benefit From Free Tax Preparation Services
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840167The Withholding Compliance Program Is Improving Taxpayer Compliance; However, Additional Enforcement Actions Are Needed
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840168Increased Call Volume Associated With Economic Stimulus Payments Reduced Toll-Free Access for the 2008 Filing Season
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810140Indian Tribal Noncompliance With the Bank Secrecy Act Is Effectively Identified and Addressed, but Improvements Can Be Made
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830164The Office of Disclosure Continued to Improve Compliance With the Freedom of Information Act Requirements
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830154Guidance Could Be Enhanced for Deciding to Use a Qualified Intermediary in Like-Kind Exchanges
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820159Unauthorized and Insecure Internal Web Servers Are Connected to the Internal Revenue Service Network
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830155Computer Programming Changes Are Needed to Reduce Delays in Reissuing Some Undelivered Refund Checks
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830150The Automated Collection System Gap Case Test Initiative Was Not Effectively Conducted
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

July 2008

Report NumberReport Details and Links
200820153Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration – Federal Information Security Management Act (Intelligence - National Security Systems) Report for Fiscal Year 2008

200820134The Information Technology Enterprise Governance Structure Needs Further Process Improvements to Ensure Adequate Oversight
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840149Evaluation of Planning Efforts for the Issuance of Economic Stimulus Payments
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810142Improved Controls Over Grants Provided to Low Income Taxpayer Clinics Would Lower the Risk of the Inappropriate Use of Federal Government Funds
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840146Procedures Were Not Always Followed When Resolving Alternative Minimum Tax Discrepancies
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830144Better Management of Some Procedures for Sales of Seized Property Is Needed
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830147While Documentation Was Not Available to Fully Assess the Return Preparer Program, Identification and Processing of Preparer Penalties Can Be Improved
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820130Correspondence Imaging System Performance Has Improved, but Additional Measures Are Needed to Ensure That the System Performs As Expected
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810133Statistical Portrayal of the Criminal Investigation Division’s Enforcement Activities for Fiscal Years 2000 Through 2007
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840131While Progress Has Been Made, Limits on the Number of Examinations Reduce the Effectiveness of the Earned Income Tax Credit Recertification Program

June 2008

Report NumberReport Details and Links
200810132Progress Has Been Made, but Important Work Must Be Completed to Ensure Timely Identification of Future Leaders
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820129Annual Assessment of the Business Systems Modernization Program
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820122Improvements to the Modernized e-File System Will Help Provide Intended Benefits to the Internal Revenue Service and Taxpayers
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810117Improvements Have Been Made to Educate Tax-Exempt Organizations and Enforce the Prohibition Against Political Activities, but Further Improvements Are Possible
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840128A Self-Assistance Option Would Reduce Burden and Costs Associated With Resolving Rejected Electronic Tax Returns
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840125Improvements in the Distribution and Design of Internal Documents and Tax Publications, Forms, and Notices Could Reduce Costs Considerably
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830126Fiscal Year 2008 Review of Compliance With Legal Guidelines When Conducting Seizures of Taxpayers’ Property
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840127Fiscal Year 2008 Statutory Audit of Compliance With Notifying Taxpayers of Their Rights When Requested to Extend the Assessment Statute
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810123Chief Counsel Should Address Questions Related to Proposed Changes in the Automatic Consent Process
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

May 2008

Report NumberReport Details and Links
200830114Actions Are Needed to Control Risks With International Transactions Reported on Corporate Income Tax Returns
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840124Fiscal Year 2008 Statutory Audit of Compliance With Legal Guidelines Prohibiting the Use of Illegal Tax Protester and Similar Designations
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840118Inaccurate and Incomplete Data Have Adversely Affected Implementation of the Taxpayer Assistance Center Geographic Footprint
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840113Installment Agreement User Fees Were Not Properly Calculated or Always Collected
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830107The Complexity of the Law Makes Administering the Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit Difficult
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

April 2008

Report NumberReport Details and Links
200810106While Renowned for Its Forensic Capabilities, the Digital Evidence Program Faces Challenges and Needs More Controls
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840112Oversight and Administration of the Tax Counseling for the Elderly Program Need Improvement
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830093Lack of Compensation for Unused Sick Leave at Retirement Has Contributed to Higher Use by Employees in the Federal Employees Retirement System
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830091The Telephone Excise Tax Refund Program Was Successfully Implemented for Businesses; However, a Large Amount of Overcollected Tax Has Gone Unclaimed
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830094Additional Actions Are Needed to Effectively Address the Tax Gap
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810088The Taxpayer Advocate Service Needs to Improve Its Processing of Economic Burden Cases
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830095Trends in Compliance Activities Through Fiscal Year 2007
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840108Fiscal Year 2008 Statutory Audit of Compliance With Legal Guidelines Restricting the Use of Records of Tax Enforcement Results
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830097Fiscal Year 2008 Statutory Review of Compliance With Legal Guidelines When Issuing Levies
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810098Due to the Lack of Experienced Users, the Benefits of Performance-Based Acquisition Are Not Being Fully Realized
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

March 2008

Report NumberReport Details and Links
200840100Interim Results of the 2008 Filing Season
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840099Fiscal Year 2008 Statutory Review of Disclosure of Collection Activity With Respect to Joint Returns
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810096The Internal Revenue Service’s Federal Financial Management Improvement Act Remediation Plan As of December 31, 2007
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810092Procurement’s Control Environment Was Ineffective and Did Not Prevent Overpayments to Contractors
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840087Individual Retirement Account Contributions and Distributions Are Not Adequately Monitored to Ensure Tax Compliance

200840087Individual Retirement Account Contributions and Distributions Are Not Adequately Monitored to Ensure Tax Compliance

200840090Fiscal Year 2008 Statutory Review of Restrictions on Directly Contacting Taxpayers
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830082Fiscal Year 2008 Statutory Review of Compliance With Lien Due Process Procedures
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820078Private Collection Agencies Adequately Protected Taxpayer Data
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820071Inadequate Security Controls Over Routers and Switches Jeopardize Sensitive Taxpayer Information
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840086Outreach Has Improved, but More Action Is Needed to Effectively Address Employment-Related and Tax Fraud Identity Theft
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840089Increasing Federal and State Cooperation and Promoting Electronic Filing Would Improve Administration of Taxes Used to Maintain the Nation’s Highways
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810073Controls and Performance Measures for the Records Management Program Need to Be Improved
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820077Actions Are Needed to Improve the Effectiveness of the Physical Security Program
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810057Performance Measures and Improved Case Tracking Would Help the Exempt Organizations Function Better Allocate Resources
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830056A More Strategic Approach Could Enhance the Workers’ Compensation Program Return-to-Work Efforts
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820076Improvements Are Needed to the Information Security Program Governance Process
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810075The Published Guidance Program Needs Additional Controls to Minimize Risks and Increase Public Awareness
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820053The Account Management Services Project Is Meeting Its Development Goals
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

February 2008

Report NumberReport Details and Links
200820061Disaster Recovery Issues Have Not Been Effectively Resolved, but Progress Is Being Made
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830060The Internal Revenue Service Needs to Emphasize Limited Use of a Collection Suspension Code That Can Allow Inappropriate Refunds
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840062Processing of Carryback Loss Claims Needs to Be Improved to Ensure Taxpayers Receive Accurate Refunds
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830072The Baltimore Collection Field Function Office Properly Controlled Form 809 Receipt Books and Timely Transmitted Remittances for Processing
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200840059The Taxpayer Assistance Blueprint Phase 2 Was Generally Reliable, but Oversight of the Survey Design Needs Improvement
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

January 2008

Report NumberReport Details and Links
200810058Attestation Review of the Internal Revenue Service’s Fiscal Year 2007 Annual Accounting of Drug Control Funds and Related Performance
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820028The Modernization and Information Technology Services Organization’s Competitive Sourcing Program Needs Improvement
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810055The Office of Appeals Closed Case Files Are Overwhelming Onsite Storage Space
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

December 2007

Report NumberReport Details and Links
200810054Invoice Audit of Fees Paid Under the Private Debt Collection Initiative
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810051Appropriate Actions Were Taken to Prepare for the Receipt of New Filing Information From Smaller Tax-Exempt Organizations
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810052The Tax Exempt Bonds Office Has Established Controls, but Improvements Are Needed to Prevent Improprieties
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830027Tax Examiners Did Not Always Resolve Return Delinquency Cases, and Computer Checks Did Not Identify Unfiled Returns
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820030Lack of Proper IRS Oversight of the Department of the Treasury HSPD-12 Initiative Resulted in Misuse of Federal Government Resources
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200820029Internal Revenue Service Databases Continue to Be Susceptible to Penetration Attacks
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200810025Management Oversight Improved, but Expected Benefits and Capabilities for the Tax Exempt Determination System Release 2 Were Not Delivered
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

November 2007

Report NumberReport Details and Links
200820026The Internal Revenue Service’s Compliance With the Federal Information Security Management Act (Non-Intelligence - National Security Systems) for Fiscal Year 2007

200820002Efforts to Update Aging Computer Hardware Are Underway, but Program Improvements Are Needed to Minimize Risks
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

October 2007

Report NumberReport Details and Links
200840004The Customer Account Data Engine Release 2.2 Posted Tax Return Information Accurately
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML

200830001Identification of Unreported Self-Employment Taxes Can Be Improved
Audit Highlights: PDF | HTML