(DoD Directive 5111.1)

        Under the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense, the USD(P) is the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense for all matters concerning the formulation of national security and defense policy and the integration and oversight of DoD policy and plans to achieve national security objectives.  In the exercise of this responsibility, the USD(P) shall:

    l  Represent the DoD, as directed, in matters involving the National Security Council (NSC), Department of State (DoS), and other Departments, Agencies, and interagency groups with responsibilities for national security policy.

    l  Serve as a member of the NSC Deputies Committee; serve as a member of the Deputies Committee for Crisis Management; and advise the Secretary of Defense on crisis prevention and management, including contingency planning for major areas of concern.

    l  Develop policy for defense-related international negotiations and represent the DoD in those negotiations unless otherwise directed.

    l  Develop and coordinate DoD policy and positions for international negotiations on arms control implementation and/or compliance issues.

    l  Develop policy on the conduct of alliances and defense relationships with foreign governments, their military establishments, and international organizations; integrate and oversee plans and programs undertaken in conjunction with those alliances and defense relationships.

    l  Develop, coordinate, and oversee the implementation of international security strategy and policy; political-military policy on issues of DoD interest that relate to foreign governments and their defense establishments, to include arrangements for United States military facilities, access and operating rights, and status of forces; and policy on all matters relating to prisoners of war and missing personnel.

    l  Develop, coordinate, and oversee the implementation of policy and plans for defense security assistance.

    l  Develop, coordinate, and oversee the implementation of policy to reduce and counter the threat to the United States, its forces, and allies of weapons of mass destruction and other militarily significant technologies and force capabilities, to include counterproliferation policy, arms control policy, and security policy.

    l  Provide oversight of all DoD activities related to international technology transfer; develop, coordinate, and provide policy direction and overall management for the DoD Technology Security Program and policy related to international technology transfer, to include export controls, dual-use and munitions licensing, arms cooperation programs, and support for enforcement and intelligence systems.

    l  Develop, coordinate, and oversee the implementation of strategy and policy for strategic and theater nuclear offensive forces, strategic and defensive forces, and space systems; and review and evaluate plans, programs, and systems requirements for such forces and systems to assure consistency with the strategy and policy.

    l  Assist the Secretary of Defense in development of national security and defense strategy; advise on the resources and forces necessary to implement that strategy, to include serving as the principal advisor for the planning phase of the DoD Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System and for monitoring the degree to which the DoD program and budget underwrite the strategy; and assist the Secretary of Defense in preparing written policy guidance for the preparation and review of operational and contingency plans, including those for nuclear and conventional forces, and in reviewing such plans.

    l  Develop policy guidance, provide overall supervision, and provide oversight of planning, programming, budgeting, and execution of special operations activities, including civil affairs and psychological operations, and of low-intensity conflict activities, including counterterrorism, support to insurgency, and contingency operations.

    l  Develop, coordinate, and oversee the implementation of policy for the defense and military aspects of the promotion of constitutional democracy and respect for human rights, United States participation in peace operations, and the provision of humanitarian assistance.

    l  Develop, coordinate, and oversee the implementation of drug control policy, including planning, programming, and budgeting for the DoD counter-drug mission.

    l  Provide mid- and long-range policy planning on strategic security matters and emerging national security issues; develop and oversee the implementation of a comprehensive strategy toward Russia, Ukraine, and other newly independent states of Eurasia; plan and conduct net assessments and policy research activities and programs.

    l  Develop, coordinate, and oversee the implementation of policy for international security countermeasures activities of the Department of Defense; administer for the Department of Defense the National Disclosure Policy, the Foreign Disclosure and Technical Information System, the Foreign Visits System, and the U.S. Visitor International Technology System.   As the U.S. Security Authority for North Atlantic Treaty Organization, serve as the primary focal point for staff coordination on these matters both internal and external to the Department of Defense.

    l  Develop policy and provide oversight for emergency planning and preparedness, crisis management, defense mobilization in emergency situations, military support to civil authorities, civil defense, and continuity of operations and government.  Develop policy and coordinate DoD participation in, and exercise staff supervision over, special activities, special access programs, sensitive support to non-DoD agencies, and the joint worldwide reconnaissance schedule.

        The above functions are carried out through the following key OSD personnel:

    l  Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy) (DoDD 5111.3)

    l  Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs) (DoDD 5111.7)

    l  Assistant Secretary of Defense (Strategy and Threat Reduction) (DoDD 5111.8)

    l  Assistant Secretary of Defense (Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict) (DoDD 5111.10)

    l  Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy Support)

    l  Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Technology Security Policy)

    l  Defense Advisor, U. S. Mission NATO

            In addition, the USD(P) exercises authority, direction, and control over the following:

    l  Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DoDD 5105.38 - under revision), through the Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs)

    l  Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office (DoDD 5110.10), through the Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs)