Department of Defense
Privacy Act Systems of Records Notices

    The Department of Defense must publish in the Federal Register a notice of the existence and character of all systems of records being maintained on individuals who are citizens of the United States or aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence. The notice also includes when the notice was last published in the Federal Register.

    To help you identify a particular system of records, first scan the pertinent DoD Component's listing of Privacy Act systems of records notices. The `system name' reasonably identifies the general purpose of the system of records, and where practical, the category of individuals covered.

    You may search one or more of the DoD Component's listings. Be as specific as possible when you identify the types of records you are trying to locate, i.e., investigative, personnel, radiation exposure, pay, carpooling, etc. If you are having difficulty identifying or locating a system of records, contact the DoD Component Privacy Point of Contact. This Privacy Official can help you navigate through their Component's Privacy Act systems of records notices.

    In addition, certain 'Blanket Routine Uses' for all DoD maintained systems of records have been established that are applicable to every record system maintained within the Department of Defense, unless specifically stated otherwise within the particular record system notice. These additional routine uses of the records are published only once in each DoD Component's Preamble in the interest of simplicity, economy and to avoid redundancy.

Notices/Rules Published in the Federal Register


DoD Component
Number of  Notices
Department of the Army 228
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency 20
Office of the Inspector General 17
Office of the Secretary, DoD/Joint Staff 129
Department of the Air Force 297
National Security Agency/Central Security Service 24
Defense Threat Reduction Agency 16
Defense Information Systems Agency 65
Defense Intelligence Agency 23
U.S. Marine Corps 69
Department of the Navy 147
Defense Contract Audit Agency 9
Defense Logistics Agency 63
Defense Finance and Accounting Service 63
Defense Security Service 15
National Reconnaissance Office 24
Defense Commissary Agency 3
Defense Contract Management Agency 1
NOTE: The search engine ignores case except when using the connectors 'AND' or 'OR' in multiple word searches.
1. Search for: Tips and Examples
2. Select DoD Component(s) to search. If no selection is made, ALL DoD Components will be searched:
Department of the Army
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Office of the Inspector General
Office of the Secretary, DoD
Department of the Air Force
National Security Agency/Central Security Service
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Joint Staff
National Reconnaissance Office
Defense Information Systems Agency
Defense Intelligence Agency
U.S. Marine Corps
Department of the Navy
Defense Contract Audit Agency
Defense Logistics Agency
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
Defense Security Service
Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences
Defense Commissary Agency
Defense Contract Management Agency
3. or

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