
Voice of America - Khmer

05 May 2009 

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Eight Parliamentarians Invited for US Tour

30 April 2009

Eight Cambodian lawmakers from three political parties will be invited to a weeklong study trip to Washington in June, where they will meet with US representatives and learn more about US Congress.

The eight lawmakers, from the Cambodian People’s, Human Rights and Sam Rainsy parties, will travel June 1, with support and organization from the National Democratic Institute and the Institute of Representative Government.

No firm schedule has yet been fixed for the lawmakers: the CPP’s Cheam Yiep, Sik Bun Hok, Nin Saphon and Ho Naun; the SRP’s Eng Chhai Eang, Kouy Bunroeun and Mao Monyvann; and the HRP’s Yem Ponhearith.

“We are inviting a delegation of Cambodian parliamentarians to come to DC in the first week of June to participate in a study mission,” said Raissa Tatad-Hazell, a senior program manager for Asia at NDI. “We are still in the process of arranging the group’s logistics and schedule.” 

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