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Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
News Transcripts
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News Transcripts document all DoD news briefings and significant interviews. News transcripts issued within the past 30 days are listed below. Older transcripts are available on the transcript archive page. Transcripts are also available by e-mail subscription. Go to DoD News for more information and for links to other news items.
12/28/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Baltimore Sun
12/27/2001:   DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers
12/27/2001:   Special Briefing to Receive a Donation to the Pentagon Assistance Fund
12/27/2001:   ASD PA Clarke Meeting with DoD National Media Pool Bureau Chiefs
12/26/2001:   Rear Adm. Quigley Interview with KOA Radio, Denver
12/26/2001:   ASD PA Clarke Interview with Atlanta Journal-Constitution
12/26/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Time Magazine
12/21/2001:   Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with Business Week
12/21/2001:   DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Pace
12/21/2001:   Under Secretary Aldridge Briefing on DoD Acquisition Programs
12/19/2001:   DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld
12/19/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Press Conference with Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan
12/18/2001:   DoD News Briefing - Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz and Gen. Pace
12/18/2001:   Special Briefing on Army and Air Force Headquarters Reorganization
12/18/2001:   Background Briefing at NATO Headquarters
12/18/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld News Briefing in Brussels
12/18/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Media Availability en route to Brussels
12/18/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Joint Press Availability with Russian Defense Minister
12/18/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Lally Weymouth, Washington Post and Newsweek
12/17/2001:   DoD News Briefing - Rear Adm. Stufflebeem
12/17/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Media Availability en route to Central Asia
12/17/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld with U.S. Troops at Bagram
12/17/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Joint Press Conference with President of Georgia
12/17/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Joint Press Conference with Armenian Defense Minister
12/17/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Media Availability en route to Ireland
12/17/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Business Week
12/14/2001:   Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with Los Angeles Times
12/13/2001:   DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers
12/13/2001:   ASD PA Clarke Meeting with DoD National Media Pool Bureau Chiefs
12/12/2001:   Telephone Interview with Air Force and Navy Officers in B-1 Rescue
12/12/2001:   Special Briefing on Special Operations Forces Capabilities
12/12/2001:   DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Gen. Pace
12/11/2001:   Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Media Availability in New York City
12/11/2001:   DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers
12/10/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Joint Media Availability with Minister Nakatani of Japan
12/10/2001:   Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Media Stakeout at ABC
12/10/2001:   Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with Middle East Broadcasting Center
12/10/2001:   DoD News Briefing - Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz and Rear Adm. Stufflebeem
12/09/2001:   Gen. Myers Interview with Fox Sunday Morning
12/09/2001:   Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with CNN Late Edition
12/09/2001:   Gen. Myers Interview with CBS Face the Nation
12/09/2001:   Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with ABC This Week
12/09/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with the Washington Post
12/08/2001:   Stakeout on Capitol Hill with Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Pace
12/06/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Larry King, CNN
12/06/2001:   DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Pace
12/05/2001:   DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Rear Adm. Stufflebeem
12/04/2001:   DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers
12/04/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Dan Rather, CBS
12/03/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Business Week
12/03/2001:   Enduring Freedom Operational Update - Rear Adm. Stufflebeem
12/03/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Media Stakeout at NBC-TV
12/03/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Pakistani TV
12/03/2001:   ASD PA Clarke Interview with CBS Early Show
12/03/2001:   Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Roundtable with European Journalists
12/02/2001:   Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with NBC Meet the Press
12/02/2001:   ASD PA Clarke Meeting with DoD National Media Pool Bureau Chiefs
12/01/2001:   Special Briefing on the Technical Support Working Group
12/01/2001:   Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with Indonesian Television