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Volume 3, Number 11, Page 1


August 2001

Director - Dave Dinsmore, (206) 526-6705,
Operations Manager - Bill Cobb, (206) 526-6460,
Equipment Coordinator - Steve Urick, (206) 526-6223,
SEP Technician - Andrea Lim, (206) 526-6446,
Budget/Program Analyst - Laurie Barber, (206) 526-6695,
Office Automation Secretary - Sondra Huber, (206) 526-6623,
SEP Assistant - Lisa Glover, (206) 526-6446,
Fax - 206-526-6506
Website address -
Mailing Address -
NOAA Diving Center
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115


The NOAA Diving Center is responsible for issuing yearly Dive Orders for NOAA Corps officers assigned to Marine Operation Centers - Atlantic or Pacific (this includes all ships). Officers must have current dive orders to receive dive pay. Commands are requested to provide a list of all officers needing dive orders for FY 2002 to NDC by September 14, 2001 . Requests should include the officer’s rank, full name, and social security number. Requests may be faxed to 206-526-6506, or e-mailed to Renewal requests should be made as soon as possible to avoid dive pay interruption (always a bad thing). Copies of dive orders will be returned to Commands that request them.

NOAA Corps officers not assigned to a ship or Marine Center and needing dive orders should have their current Line Office prepare them. A copy should be kept by officer, a copy should be submitted to NDC, and most importantly, a copy needs to be submitted to:

NOAA Corps Payroll Unit
P.O. Box 397
Topeka, KS 66601

Divers who are not Corps officers do not need to submit dive orders to NDC. It is up to the individual Unit/Science Center as to whether any type of dive order is required.

Contact Laurie Barber, or LT Bill Cobb with any questions regarding dive orders. End of Article


Diver candidates are no longer being accepted for the September Working Diver course. Some slots are still available for the September Divemaster course. The January Working Diver/Divemaster courses in Key West, FL are filling fast. Please contact Laurie Barber at the Dive Center if you are interested in any of the courses listed below.End of Article

The following classes are scheduled for 2001:
Aug 21 - 24 Diver Refresher Seattle, WA
Sep 10 - 28 Working Diver Seattle, WA
Sep 24 - 28 Divemaster Seattle, WA
Nov 26 - Dec 7 EMT - Basic Seattle, WA
Dec 10 - 15 Dive Medic Seattle, WA
2002 :
Jan 14 - Feb 1 Working Diver Key West, FL
Jan 28 - Feb 1 Divemaster Key West, FL
May  6 - 24 Working Diver Seattle, WA
May 20 - 24 Divemaster Seattle, WA

Diver testing of the Aqualung/Suunto Cobra, Oceanic Datamax Pro+, and the Scubapro/UWATEC Aladin Pro Ultra was held in Key West, FL, July 30 & 31 and at the NOAA Diving Center in Seattle, WA, August 7, 8, and 9. NOAA divers conducted dives while wearing all three computers and then filled out a detailed survey post dive. These surveys will be used in the selection process of a dive computer for NOAA issue and use. Thanks go out to the divers participating in these evaluations, and to Steve Baumgartner and Steve Urick for rounding up and coordinating the
(continued next page)

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