Volume 2, Number 1, Page 1


January/Februay 1999


The initial issue for 1999 poises TOPSIDE at the threshold of a new millennium. The future of the NOAA Diving Program remains a product of the contributions made by our diving personnel toward the advancement of NOAA’s global presence. Success in research is by persistence and hard work. Each NOAA Diver has accepted a responsibility to maintain a safe and productive role in furthering this mission.

December and January remained busy periods at NDC with the majority of the staff on the road. The January Working Diver Course was again held at the Florida Keys Community College diving training facility in Key West, Florida. The amenities of the facility make an ideal winter training site. Sixteen personnel completed the Working Diver, two completed Scientific, seven completed Divemaster. In addition to NOAA personnel, participants included U.S. Customs, Secret Service and State of Florida contract employees.End of article

LT Michael J. Hoshlyk -



Effective January 1, 1999, I have assumed the position of the Diving Operations Manager, NOAA Diving Center. All inquiries regarding diver training, certification, medical standards, and operational issues should be directed to me. Please address all future correspondence to my E-mail address of: (Internet). I may be reached by telephone at (206) 526-6460. Congratulations and praise are in order for the contributions made by LCDR Wood to the safety and success of the Diving Program. End of article


Please review the enclosed roster which reflects the records at NDC for the date of print. Inactive/terminated divers are to return SEP equipment or resolve their status to active as soon as possible. Units will be assessed SEP charges for inactive divers who are in possession of gear. Please either annotate and return fax a copy of the roster indicating any changes to personnel or diver status or contact NDC by e-mail. Diver certifications will be suspended when a physical has expired or when diving activity has lapsed for six months. End of article


The May Working Diver class is filling up quickly. Interest by governmental agencies outside of NOAA has increased. The training of NOAA personnel still remains our priority. To improve our planning NOAA units must confirm May Working Diver class candidates by March 25 . Individuals who are considering returning to active diving status and have not dove for more than one year, must attend a refresher class. The following training classes are scheduled through Sept 1999:

Feb 16 - 19 Working Refresher Seattle, WA
May 3 - 21 Working Diver Seattle, WA
May 16 VCI & First Aid Seattle, WA
May 17 - 21 Divemaster Seattle, WA
Sep 13 - Oct 1 Working Diver Seattle, WA
Sep 27 - Oct 1 Divemaster Seattle, WA

Please contact Laurie Barber at (206) 526-6695 for course information and scheduling. End of article

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