NOAA Ship DISCOVERER - Living Accommodations


Living Accommodations & Recreation

The ship is a temporary home to the scientific party and a more permanent home to her officers and crew. Listed below is information pertaining to shipboard life that may be of value to a member of the scientific party prior to embarkation; more information is available in the standing orders, a copy of which is obtainable by contacting the Field Operations Officer.

All shipboard personnel (including the scientific party) should be aboard one hour prior to the posted sailing time.

Shipboard Courtesy

Because of the mix of race, gender, religion, age, nationalities and personalities aboard DISCOVERER, and the closeness of living and working conditions, it is imperative to restrict offensive practices or behavior that might be considered offensive or "obnoxious" by some. Some of these practices include: the use of excessively foul language, ethnic jokes, "obscene" jokes or remarks, excessive noise or playing loud music. Being selective in ones actions and courteous to ones neighbor is always appreciated and as a general rule alleviates morale deterioration.

This vessel complies with all Customs regulations, foreign and domestic. Visitors disembarking in a foreign port are expected to familiarize themselves with the local customs and regulations. As employees of the Federal government, we are often held to higher standards of conduct than would otherwise be the case. Your identification with the NOAA Ship DISCOVERER can bring embarrassment to the ship specifically and to the agency and department generally if your actions are outside of the law or contrary to commonly accepted standards of decency. Such activities will be subject to appropriate discipline.


Berthing is assigned at the direction of the Executive Officer. Living spaces aboard ship are sometimes crowded and each person must respect the privacy rights of his or her neighbor. Living spaces are to be kept clean and free from litter. Men and women will not be assigned to the same stateroom. Whenever possible, rooms with adjoining heads will be assigned to members of the same sex. Possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs (including unprescribed medicines and marijuana) and sexual liaison is prohibited on all federal vessels including DISCOVERER.


Meal hours are provided below. Please make every effort to be on time. If it appears that your work will prevent you from obtaining a meal during the regularly scheduled time, contact the Executive Officer to make other arrangements.

Meal Schedule
MealsPeriodLast OrderCleanup
AM Coffee1000-1015
PM Coffee1400-1415
Dinner (inport)1630-173017151730-1800
Dinner (underway)1645-174517301745-1815

Menus include vegetarian as well as low cholesterol food choices. The following dress standards for the mess decks during meal hours have been adopted to maintain courtesy and sanitary conditions:


Personal laundry may be washed in the crew's laundry at all times except in rough seas or during sensitive oceanographic sampling. At these times a sign will be posted indicating that the laundry has been secured. Soap and bleach are provided by the ship. To conserve water, use full loads. Check pockets for change, nails, knives, etc. These objects can severely damage the machinery. In consideration of others, remove laundry when your clothes have completed washing and drying.

Use of the port side ship's laundry is restricted to personnel specifically authorized by the Chief Steward and Executive Officer. Individuals authorized for use after hours are also responsible for their own cleanup. The ship's presses are available for use after the Steward Department work hours by personnel who have been trained by Steward Department Operators.

The schedule for linen exchange times are shown below. Announcements will be made on the PA system.

Personal Possessions

Personal possessions should be safeguarded and are the indivdual's responsibility. A safe in the Captain's cabin is available for large sums of money, valuable watches, rings and or items of high value and small size. The ship's office cannot be used to store personal valuables. The ship cannot be responsible for items lost while on work details ashore, on board, or in the small boats. See the Executive Officer to arrange for the storage of valuables.


Visitors are welcome aboard while the ship is inport under the following conditions:

When prearranged and approved by the appropriate official, personnel may be transported by NOAA vessels. Authorization for non-government passengers to sail on NOAA ships must be approved by the Director, Office of NOAA Corps Operations. On special designated occasions, relatives and guests of NOAA personnel may be authorized to embark on NOAA ships sailing on cruises of short duration.

Ship's Store

The ship maintains a small canteen next to the quarterdeck on the starboard side E-deck. The Store is run by an elected crew member and is generally open twice a day while at sea. Prices generally do not exceed ten percent above the wholesale, and no sales tax is added. Some items that are regulary stocked in the store include: film and mailers, razors and shaving cream, toothpaste and toothbrushes, shampoo and rinse, cassette and video tapes, ship's logo T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.

Vending Machines

Soda and candy machines are located outside the store and the store operator maintains and stocks the candy and soda machines regularly.

Ship's Library

The ship's library is located on F-deck and is open to all hands. All books and magazines my be taken from the library, but should be returned in a timely manner. The top ten best sellers are located in this library for crew enjoyment. Two personal IBM compatable computers are located in this area for crews use; however, shipboard business takes precedence.

Lounge library's - Most of the ship's lounges have a paperback book library. These are for everyone's use, and additions to the libraries are always appreciated. Periodically, all the old books will be traded-in for new ones through the Mariners Book Service.

Morale and Recreation

Due to the arduous sea duty classification of DISCOVERER, a Morale and Recreational Service has been established for the crew. The Morale and Recreation Officer coordinates and arranges movies, video's, fantail barbeques, basketball games and other recreational events. This is funded through the ship's store. Recreational features include:

This information is to assist in making a successful adjustment to shipboard life and to provide the reader with general shipboard regulations.

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