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Licensing, TT


Distributed, Thermoacoustic Multi-phase Electric Generator

This invention builds on LANL's portfolio of innovative thermoacoustic technologies. This intellectual property allows a thermoacoustic engine and generator set to produce multi-phase electrical power. In addition, it allows modular scale-up to high power levels without the need for scale-up of the individual unit size.

Heat-driven electrical power generation e.g.
• Solar-thermal electrical generation
• Diesel-fired auxilliary power
• Other combustion-heat to electrical

• Multi-phase electrical output
• Scalable, with minimal size requirements
• Intrinsic vibration balancing

IP Status: Contact Licensing Executive for Details

Commercialization Strategy: We are seeking to license this technology either non-exclusively or exclusively for specific field of use. We would also entertain offers to work collaboratively in the form of Cooperative Research & Development Agreements (CRADA). Any agreement contract is expected to include funds-in to the Laboratory.

Reference Number: 830

S Number: DOE reference no.(s): 109,170

Patents & Applications:
Application(s) Filed

Posted: 10-29-2008

Russ Hopper
Technology Transfer Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1663, MailStop C334
(505) 665-1578



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