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Software Available for Licensing

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) develops and copyrights software codes for commercial use, internal use, government, and academic use.

LANL-developed software is made available upon request at no cost to U.S. federal government agencies for internal use only. Los Alamos often provides its software codes to universities and nonprofit organizations for their own internal research and development through reduced-cost, restricted-use licenses. All commercial use of LANL software requires a commercial license that can be negotiated based on the licensing strategy for each code. Financial terms for commercial software licenses will vary with each code depending on its functionality, intended audience, and stage of development.

Please direct general inquiries concerning the LANL software program to: software@lanl.gov

LA-CC Number/
Title Description

LA-CC 09-017 RAVEN v2.1.0 RAVEN is a time - implicit, one dimensional radiation- magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) code for pulsed- power. Capabilities include: (1.) Independent temperatures for icons, electrons, and radiation (3T) with radiation diffusion; (2.) Nonlinear circuit network solver with the full coupling to RMHD; (3.) High explosive (HE) package for modeling HE pulsed- power generators; (4.) Tabular (e.g. SESAME) and analytic models of state variables; (5.) Multi- module RMHD capability (e.g. multiple RMHD meshes in a single circuit network). See RAVEN User Manual, Feb 2009, LA-UR-09-01184. 2/26/2009
LA-CC 09-016 INL Fuel Conditioning Facility, v1.0 The item is a virtual model of the Fuel Conditioning Facility (FCF) located at the Idaho National Laboratory. The publication of the model does not include source graphic models- only the immersive version of the model itself. The model is a virtual depiction of the facility architecture, layout of the facility (doors, windows, offices), internal and external walls and work areas, and piping. The model was built from photos and video taken of the FCF facility in June, 2008. 2/25/09
LA-CC 09-015 QQALA v0.0 Implements the segmentation, feature extraction, feature selection, and other methods as described in L.E. Boucheron, "Object-and Spatial-Level Quantitative Analysis in Multispectral Histopathology Images for Detection and Characterization of Cancer," Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California Santa Barbara, LA-UR-07-7954. 1/22/09
LA-CC 09-014 MbsEasy v1.0 This software demonstrates the use of the MIMBS method for the fast simulation of gamma ray spectra. It implements the MIMBS equation (equation 4) from the publication R. J. Estep, C. W. McCluskey, B. A. Snapp, "The Multiple Isotope Material Basis Set (MIMBS) Method for Isotope Identification With Low- and Medium- Resolution Gamma Ray Detectors, "Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 276, No. 3 (2008) 731-741. The demonstration involves the selection of three attenuating materials and three isotopes that can be specified with sliders. The result is a simulated attenuated gamma spectrum in the standard format. The objective of the distributing this program is to generate interest in the MIMBS technique. 2/11/09
LA-CC 09-013 xRAGE v0809.03 The code is a one-, two-, and three -dimensional, multi-material Eulerian hydrodynamics code developed by LANL for use in solving a variety of high deformation flow of material problems. The code has been applied in several areas of interest. The distinguishing characteristics of xRAGE is the ability to model radiation diffusion. Note: The code and Users Manual are Export Controlled. Reference: xRAGE Users Manual LA-CP-08-01044. 1/30/09
LA-CC 09-011 xNOBEL v0809.03 The code is a one-, two-, and three -dimensional, multi-material Eulerian hydrodynamics code developed by LANL for use in solving a variety of high deformation flow of material problems. The code has been applied in several areas of interest. The distinguishing characteristics of xNOBEL is the ability to model high explosives. Note: The code and Users Manual are Export Controlled. Reference: xNOBEL Users Manual LA-CP-08-01042. 1/30/09
LA-CC 09-010 RAM-SCB v1.0 A magnetically self-consistent ring current model; couples RAM v1.0 (LACC-08-105) with the 3-D plasma equilibrium code v1.0 (LACC-08-080). Output includes energetic particle distributions, plasma and magnetic fields in the inner Earth's magnetosphere. Jordanova, V. K. et al. Kinetic simulations of ring current evolution during the Geospace Environment Modeling challenge events, J. Geophys, Res., 111, A11S10, doi:10.1029/2006JA011644, 2006. Zaharia, S. et al., Self-consistent modeling of magnetic fields and plasmas in the inner magnetophere: Application to the geomagnetic storm, J. Geophys. Res., 111, A11S14, doi:10.1029/2006JA011619, 2006. 1/29/09
LA-CC 09-009 bitPacker v2 Describes the bit-wise layout of programming language independent data structures using XML files. Processes those XML files with any of several XML Style Sheets (XSL) to produce documentation an implementation source code for those data structures in a variety of interpreted and complied programming languages. 1/22/2009
LA-CC 09-008 Bin Gen A utility to take data specified in a spreadsheet and convert to the specified data file type. Typically used by LANL employees to produce data files for training scenarios. Customers at the IAEA in Vienna would like to have this capability as well. 1/29/2009
LA-CC 09-007 HOPS v3.0 HOPS v3.0 integrates active sensing data interrogation algorithms for structural health monitoring (SHM) applications. These logarithms cover Lamb wave propagation, impedance methods, and sensor diagnostics. Contrary to most active-sensing SHM techniques, which utilize only a single signal processing method for damage identification, a suite of signal processing algorithms are employed and grouped into one package to improve the damage detection capability. A MATLAB-based user interface allows the analyst to configure the data acquisition system and display the results from each damage identification algorithm for side-by side comparison. 1/28/2009
LA-CC 09-006 LANL Stoplight Tool v2.0 The presented code has been developed at LANL at the S/RD level to read and display space environmental data contained in the Air Force Weather Service EPRO files that are available through the ICADS system. The code has been specifically designed for use at AFTAC. 1/26/2009
LA-CC 09-005 Various Java Utility Classes This software release consists of posting the source code for 9 Java classes on the open-to-the-public Los Alamos website for the D-3 System Engineering and Integration group. These general utility classes can be used: to calculate the Earth's magnetic field strength and direction: to calculate the pressure, density, temperature, viscosity, and sound speed of the 1962 and 1976 Standard US Atmosphere; to convert values from one system of units to another, such as from feet to meters, and from years to seconds; to take a Java graphical user interface component on the screen and print it to paper; to show the progress being made on executing a task; and to display message to the users of a software application. 1/26/2009
LA-CC 09-004 raveFont v1.00 raveFont provides a Apple Computer OSX interface around cmdVista version 0.73 (LA-CC-08-098) and provides for vectorization of small images. It is geared towards identifying different glyphs in fonts by using cmdVista as the computational back end.


LA-CC 09-003 RadDetect simulation ver1 This software is for the Raytheon SWARM CRADA (LA07C10570-PTS-004). The purpose of this software is to stimulate both background and radioactive source detection for a distributed, mobile sensing system. Please see LA-UR 08-06694 for greater detail. 1/15/2009
LA-CC 09-002 Monte Carlo Method for Light Transport in Tissue v1.0 The code is used to calculate light transport in tissue and tissue phantoms. The geometry modeled assumes light is incident via an optical fiber. Outputs include light emission as a function of location, the angular distribution of light scattering events , the average number of scattering events for a collected photon, and position at light scattering events. The code is specifically designed for 400nm to 800nm. Calculations are performed for polarized or unpolarized light. 1/10/2009
LA-CC 09-001 CINDER 2008 CINDER 2008 is the next adaptation of the LANL legacy nuclear transmutation code, CINDER. Provided environment specific information, CINDER predicts nuclear inventories in irradiated materials ranging from reactors, and accelerators to neutron stars. This new version, implements several improvements including more accurate algorithms and includes an updated nuclear data library. See LA-UR-07-9412 for general information regarding CINDER code. 12/17/2008
LA-CC 08-113 FUI v 2.0 alpha FUI is a program to fit functions to data. It is an extension written in C by Bernhard Sulzer (Lion bioscience AG Germany) of an f2c-ed Fortran program written by Ronald Beatty and Byron Goldstein (LANL, USA), calling the Slatec Fortran library (www.netlib.org/slatec).
LA-CC 08-112 PetANNet (aka PANN), v2.0 C++/Python re-implementation of neural network algorithm modeling brain visual cortex regions V1, V2, V4 and IT, based on code publicly available as MATLAB source code from MIT Center for Biological and Computational Learning (CBCL). PetANNet (aka PANN) is intended as a research grade test bed code for evaluating neural computational algorithms of human vision, running on individual workstations (Mac, Linux, Windows). PANN is funded by LDRD-DR Petscale Models of Synthetic Visual Cognition (PI Luis Bettencourt, T-7).
LA-CC 08-111 UncleMcFlux v2.0 UncleMcFlux is a Monte-Carlo un-collided flux estimator using ray-tracing techniques on uniform, logically rectangular grids. It uses libraries which are part of the Draco and ClubIMC projects. There are also used in the code Milagro, designated LA-CC-06-053
LA-CC 08-110 stfa2phs.v4d.f Version 4d This code carries out a stochastic homogenization analysis of a 2 phase composite system giving both bulk and local stress-strain responses for various type of inelastic processes at the microstructural level.
LA-CC 08-109 SORDS_IMAGING 0.1 This software is in development for use on the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office sponsored program called SORDS. This software will take data from the future detector system and perform gamma-ray imaging using Compton imaging and coded aperture imaging techniques. All of the algorithms used are based on published techniques.
LA-CC 08-108 LANL * v1.0 The presented code is a surrogate model based on a neural network technique to replace complex magnetic field model calculations. The code is limited to geosynchronous regions and can be made publicly available as a source code. The code and technique are described in detail in the attached draft intended for publication in Geoscientific Model Development Journal.
LA-CC 08-106 ChemCam Flight Software, v5.21 This is the flight software for NASA sponsored ChemCaminstrument, which is to be flown to the surface of Mars as a part of the NASA Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission. This software is responsible for all command and data communications between the MSL Rover and the ChemCam Instrument, all command and data communication between the Body Unit and Mast Unit (separate subsystems of the ChemCam instrument) and command and control of Body Unit subsystems.
LA-CC 08-105 Ring Current-Atmosphere Model (RAM) v1.0 The model calculates the evolution of ring current/ radiation belt distribution functions solving the bounce average kinetic equation considering convection, radical diffusion, collisional losses, and wave particle interactions. The code uses a Lax-Wendroff scheme and a first order upwind scheme with a superbee flux limiter method to solve numerically the conservative terms of kinetic equation. A Crank-Nicolson numerical scheme is used for the diffusive terms.
LA-CC 08-104 LANL Checkpointing Research Tool v0.0 An example tool to enable high performance computing researchers to study the performance issues with the checkpoint dump mechanisms used by many high performance computing sites. Converts data checkpoint dump writes one form to other forms (N processes to 1 file, N processes to N files, etc). This is an example code which enables researchers to simulate, analyze, and test performance of various data checkpointing mechanisms used by high performance computer codes at LANL and other sites.
LA-CC 08-103 YAP v4.6.8 YAP is a software library for computing finite-element solutions of electrostatic and magnetostatic problems, and for tracking charged particle trajectories. The library operates a multiblock structured and unstructured meshes, in both two dimensions and three dimensions. The YAP library includes an interface for the MICHELLE finite-element gun code, which uses the YAP libraries to model electron guns and collectors for microwave vacuum electron devices (MVEDs, a.k.a microwave tubes).
LA-CC 08-102 Method Automation Automated high-throughput for sample processing method for protein solubility prediction. Manuscript (submitted): Automated high-throughput platform for protein solubility screening using a split GFP system. Authors: Pawel Listwan, Thomas C. Terwilliger, Geoffrey S. Waldo.
LA-CC 08-101 Lavaredo v 0.6 The Laveredo Code simulates two-phase flow in highly heterogeneous porous media. The Multilevel Multiscale Mimetic method is implemented to discretize coupled system of PDEs. Using the multilevel hierarchy of discrete models the code allows one to upscale both pressure and saturation fields. The methodology is published in [1]. 1. D. Moulton, K. Lipnikov, and D. Svyatskiy "Multilevel Multiscale Mimetric method for two phase flows in porous media." Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 227(14), pp. 6727-6753, 2008
LA-CC 08-100 EALink, v1.0 EALink is an application consisting of a customized xml editor integrated with Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Product Lifecycle Management (PLM )system. EALink was developed at LANL using a programming language called Arbortext command language, which is owned by Parametric Technology Corp (PTC). EALink stands for engineering Authorization Link and this application was developed to support LANL employees in authorizing work at Production Agencies. This tool was designed to meet NWC Technical Business Requirements captured in TBP-404 and IBP-404.
LA-CC 08-098 cmdVista v0.73.rc1 cmdVista is a code for generalized object extraction and agglomeration from raster images. It first converts the raster images to a vector image using the VISTA procedure (LAUR-06-2726, RaveGrid). It then progressively agglomerates polygons to extract higher order features in a hierarchical manner (Submitted to IDEAS as Image SHAPES, LAUR-07-8210).
LA-CC 08-097 ANGIO v14 ANGIO is a multi-scale cell-based simulation tool for investigating tumor-induced angiogenesis. ANGIO integrates a continuum model for nutrient transport, a stochastic lattice model for cellular dynamics, and a Boolean network model for biochemical signaling to deterministically link signaling molecules to vascular and tissue morphology. ANGIO translates and synthesizes a large body of compartmentalized research on angiogenesis and is a novel research tool that provides us with the ability to test system-level strategies for eradicating tumors or at least preventing continued tumor growth and metastasis.
LA-CC 08-096 CLEAR model v0.8 CLEAR model is a system dynamics model with a graphical user-interface. This model, custom developed for the Sonoma County region tracks the C02 emissions. Two CO2 sources were modeled; transportation and electricity generation. Emissions from these sources are modeled in several sectors, including residential and commercial (industrial) transportation and electricity demand and electricity demand for water supply and treatment. Economic and population growth drive changes in demand, and policies for renewable energy (wind, solar) and low-emissions transportation (hybrid cars, mass transportation) provide mitigation choices. Climate change in the form of increases in average daily temperature drives electricity and water demand. The interface allows users to insert emission reduction energy policies, such as the photovoltaic system and wind, and transportation policies.
LA-CC 08-095 SRFYDO v1.2 Version 1.0 of this software was previously submitted to SAFE-1 and assigned LA-CC-08-002. Substantial capability has been added, suggesting another review. Previously SRFYDO merely extracted data from spreadsheets for unspecified future statistical analysis. Version 1.2 performs reliability calculations per LANL's "Information Integration Technology (IIT)" approach, a Bayesian methodology used to combine expert judgment, results from automatic testing equipment, and flight result across multiple variants. Please see "Calculating System Reliability with SRFYDO: A User Guide" LA-UR-08-06161
LA-CC 08-094 ACS File System and I/O Tests, v1.0 A suite of tests that create and access files in distributions and patterns that are relevant to the Advanced Computing Systems (ACS) program customers. These tests are intended to be used by people working for or on behalf of the ACS program as well as the organizations that win contracts with the ACS programs to research file system and I/O solutions that are important to the ACS program customers.`
LA-CC 08-093 Next-Generation Attribute System Control Code This code runs on the data acquisition (DAQ) computer and data barrier (DB) microcontroller in Next Generation Attribute Measurement System (NG-AMS). The NG-AMS is a system to measure gamma and neutron emissions from sealed containers of plutonium in order to determine attributes of the enclosed plutonium. The measurement system operates behind an information barrier (IB) which controls the information that passes into and out of the NG-AMS. The IB prevents potentially sensitive information about the plutonium for being visible to the system operators, while still allowing them to verify the contents of the containers. The code on the DAQ computer is written in PERL.
LA-CC 08-092 Oralgen—oral pathogen sequence database Oral Pathogen Genome Sequence Database (ORALGEN), funded by NIH-NIDCR, is a specialized sequence database managed at Los Alamos National Laboratory supporting oral pathogen research. The database currently encompasses primary and derived molecular sequence data. In addition to tracking molecular sequences and the relevant literature, Oralgen performs basic analyses to facilitate research; interacts with the research community through attendance at major meetings; assists individual researchers; and publishes a Web site consisting of a MySQL relational database for users, tables of basic information, and mini- reviews, and serves as a training center in bioformatics.
LA-CC 08-091 BioNetGen-LANL, v2.0.46 BioNetGen (Biological) is a multicomponent software framework for modeling biochemical networks inside cells. Using either graphical or text based interface, a user can construct, simulate, and analyze network dynamics at the level of interactions among protein components.
LA-CC 08-090 Pigs v0.4 Pigs is a tool for learning object detectors for detecting objects in panchromatic imagery. Web site for Pigs
LA-CC 08-089 WVT_IDL, v1.0 This is a simple IDL code to set up initial conditions for Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations, which are mainly used in the astronomical community. The code is entirely self-contained and not based on any other LANL software or license. The code will be provided as a convenience for astronomy users, and accompany a paper detailing the algorithm (LA-UR-08-05763, "Generating optimal initial conditions for smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations").
LA-CC 08-088 LANL Plot Library v1.0 A Java package defining interfaces to facilitate plotting of data using the JFreeChart package. "User guide for Los Alamos National Laboratory Plotting Software for the Nuclear Weapon Analysis Tools, Version 1.0 "LA-UR-08-04273 in the user guide for the plotting package, was used within LANL Nuclear Weapons Tools Version 5.4 LA-CC-08-075
LA-CC 08-087 Needs-Based Act Gen, v1.0 The Matlab toolbox generates daily activity schedules based on agent and "needs-based" approach. Each need (e.g., hunger, sleep) is modeled as a numeric value that decreases with a function over time and increases by doing activities that fulfill each need. Using genetic algorithms, we optimize the parameters of each "need function" for a specified simulation period. With the addition of temporal constraints on the activities, we obtain daily schedules. Both the code and manual are available at: Julia Progress Journal.
LA-CC 08-086 RBNC, v1.0 The C++ code simulates Random Boolean Networks (RBNs), which are simple, discrete, dynamical systems composed of binary-state nodes that are interconnected by directed links. We used the code to study the damage spreading in such networks as a function of that network topology and parameters. The code generates statistics on how the damage spreads. The code has also been used for the following publication: LA-UR-07-0653. The code is available at the Random Boolean Networks.
LA-CC 08-085 acdrsi v75 adrsi software consists of approximately 60 matlab scripts, collectively containing 2000 lines of Matlab code. The code implements algorithms for anomalous change detection in multi-band imagery, which are described in a journal publication: J. Theiler. "Quantitative comparison of quadratic covariance-based anomalous change detectors." Applied Optics 47 (2008) F12-F26.
LA-CC 08-084 mc3 v1.0 mc3 is a web application prototype for the next generation of LDRD's business management system. Mc3 is built using ICEfaces software components and is being released to vendor ICESoft Technologies for its review and testing. No proprietary LANL code or data will be included in the mc3 release.

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