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For a business edge, hire people with disabilities

by R. Lee Waits

People with disabilities are a large and rapidly growing subgroup of the population, yet people in this group are often overlooked by employers. Fewer than one-third of adults with disabilities are employed, even though most would rather have jobs.

Businesses can achieve a competitive edge in a tough economy by tapping into this pool of eager workers.  Click for entire story.

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Good things happen when people have jobs.

For millions of Americans with disabilities, gainful employment remains out of reach. Enable America is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing employment among the 54 million Americans with disabilities.

More than 70 percent of adults with disabilities want to work – that’s an untapped work force of 18 million people.

Our goal is to work with all members of the community – including disabled individuals, service providers, government agencies, advocacy groups, existing organizations and employers – to eliminate barriers to employment and bridge the gap between disabled job seekers and the employers who want to hire them.

Hiring a person with a disability makes good business sense.

> > Click here to read the statistics

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Disability Employment Forum with U.S. Assistant Secretary Neil Romano January 6, 2009 Marriott Waterside Hotel
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Tampa, Florida
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