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Umpire or Empathizer?

Marcus: How Obama's concept of a Supreme Court justice differs from Chief Justice Roberts's formulation.
PostPartisan: Souter vs. Specter

PLUS » Telnaes Animation: Limbaugh on Palin


The Case for Just
Justifiable War

Richard N. Haass | A just war theory is too impractical for today's threats. Do you agree?

The Case for <strike>Just</strike><br>Justifiable War
Smart Living

Bonding Over Sourdough

Food & Dining | A family heirloom of sourdough starter keeps a mother and daughter connected over a lifetime. | Live Q&A at 1 p.m. ET
A Family Heirloom of Sourdough Starter
Stress Tests for Banks Yield Early Progress

Companies have spent the 12 weeks since effort to determine their health was announced rushing to get stronger and prove they don't need federal aid.

Binyamin Appelbaum

Senate Strips Specter's Seniority

After quitting Republican Party, Pa. senator is made the junior Democrat on four committees.

Paul Kane

Obama's War
A New Approach to Karzai

Skepticism of Afghan leader has shaped White House's policy in the fight against the Taliban.

Rajiv Chandrasekaran

Schools Shut by Flu Can Reopen

Despite death of first American from swine flu, health officials lift recommendation on closures.

Rob Stein and Daniel de Vise

New Biofuel Standards Proposed

EPA regulations would ensure that alternative fuels don't contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

Steven Mufson and Juliet Eilperin

D.C. to Recognize Gay Marriages

Vote to honor other states' nuptials comes after sharp exchange on council, uproar from pastors.

Tim Craig

Bush Officials Try to Alter Report

Effort is meant to soften ethics report criticizing lawyers who blessed harsh interrogation tactics.

Carrie Johnson

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Environmentalists sound off on their ideas for alternative energy and how to go green.

Left of Boom

A look at the U.S. struggle to defeat improvised explosive devices used by insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Cheney Vice Presidency

Series examines Cheney's largely hidden and little-understood role in crafting policies for War on Terror, economy and the environment.

Sudan: A Country in Crisis

Interactive report examines Darfur, where conflict has left 450,000 people dead and 2.5 million displaced.

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