Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
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Optical & Chandra X-ray Composite of 3C58 This image from the 1.3m McGraw-Hill shows 3C58 in visible light compared with Chandra's X-ray data of the same field of view. The optical image was taken on January 13, 2004. Image: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO/P.Slane et al.; Optical: NRAO
Optical & Chandra X-ray Composite of 3C58 This image from the 1.3m McGraw-Hill shows 3C58 in visible light compared with Chandra's X-ray data of the same field of view. The optical image was taken on January 13, 2004. Image: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO/P.Slane et al.; Optical: NRAO
News Highlights
  • DOE Deputy Secretary Visits JLab - DOE Deputy Secretary Daniel Poneman recently visited Jefferson Lab. During his visit, he met with senior leadership, toured the accelerator and Hall A, and then had lunch with staff in the cafeteria.
  • Presidential Selection - Gianluigi Ciovati, an SRF scientist at Jefferson Lab, has been selected by President Obama to receive a prestigious Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.
  • NuTeV Anomaly Explained - A new calculation, recently published in the journal Physical Review Letters, clarifies the complicated relationship between protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus and offers a fascinating resolution of the famous NuTeV Anomaly.
  • Award Winners - Members of Jefferson Lab's Radiation Detector & Imaging Group have won an award for "excellence in technology transfer" from the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer for developing a life-saving compact gamma camera that improves the detection of breast cancer.
  • World Leader - Jefferson Lab's Free-Electron Laser is named as one of three "leading lights" in the U.S. in the May 7 issue of Nature magazine. You can read the story at this location.
  • Breakthrough Research - Jefferson Lab's Free-Electron Laser group will be among those collaborating with the Carnegie Geophysical Institution of Washington, D.C., under an Energy Frontier Research Center award announced this week by the White House. The award is part of a $777 million federal effort to accelerate scientific breakthroughs.
  • Groundbreaking - More than 400 people gathered at Jefferson Lab on Tuesday for a groundbreaking ceremony to celebrate the start of construction of the $310 million 12 GeV Upgrade project.
  • Stimulus Dollars - The U.S. Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility today announced that it will receive $75 million from President Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to fund construction of its 12 GeV Upgrade project and to modernize infrastructure.
  • Great Job - Jefferson Science Associates has earned a three-year contract extension to operate and manage Jefferson Lab. The extension is based on performance scores that the lab earned over the past three reporting periods. In FY08, the lab received an "A" for science and technology, and an "A-" for management and operations.
  • 12 GeV Contract - A Virginia Beach company has been awarded a $14.1 million contract to construct a new experimental hall and supporting facilities at Jefferson Lab as part of the 12 GeV Upgrade project.
  • Second Chance - This accelerator cavity was worn out. It had been washed, baked and tested so much that its performance suffered, eventually declining below minimum specs. Researchers undertook a last-ditch effort to breathe new life into the beleaguered cavity and were rewarded with an astounding result.
  • Neutron Duality - There are two ways to look at any mosaic. You can either choose to focus on one tile or step back to see the overall image. This analogy applies to a result recently published in Physical Review Letters from an experiment conducted in Hall A probing a phenomenon called quark-hadron duality.
As a world-class research facility, Jefferson Lab is a valued partner to the local, regional and national education community.