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Background Information

Participants List






IFYLE Email List

Project List/ Description

Lake Erie
Physical Data Sets

IFYLE Cruise Data

Field Sampling Protocols

Cruise Information


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IFYLE Program Funding

How was IFYLE Supported During 2005-2006?

Most of the research will be done by redirecting current efforts. Other major funding sources include:

  • $450,000 from NOAA Ship Support for chartering large research vessels including 45 days on EPA;s 180 foot R/V Lake Guardian

  • $450,000 in cost match from EPA's Great Lakes National Program Office, providing an extra 45 day of ship time on the R/V Lake Guardian.

  • $385,000 in NOAA IOOS funds for expanding GLERL's real-time observation network in Lake Erie.

  • $250,000 from the National Sea Grant College Program office, $25,000 each from the Ohio and New York Sea Grant , and $7,000 from the Pennsylvania Sea Grant College programs to fund competitive university collaborative research

  • Support is also being provided by GLERL, that includes >170 days of R/V Laurentian and R/V Cyclops availability on Lake Erie, research scientists, and student interns for the project.

Funding was leveraged with partnerships providing in-kind collaboration such as access to research vessels and historical and newly collected data. Funding from National Sea Grant, several Sea Grant programs, and NOAA-GLERL were used to support non-GLERL researchers on the IFYLE program. The original RFP, as well as some background information on the program at the time of the call, are provided below.

IFYLE Funding Documents

International Field Year for Lake Erie (IFYLE) 2005
Rapid Response Funding Opportunity
[pdf] (52 KB)

IFYLE 2005 Research Framework
[pdf] (46 KB) 2005-02-14

Last updated: 2006-02-10 mbl