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Military Commissions
On the web:
Media contact: +1 (703) 697-5131
Public contact: http://www.dod.mil/faq/comment.html or +1 (703) 428-0711



Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Haza al Darbi

03/03/2008 - Referred Charges

12/20/2007 - Sworn Charges

09/02/2008 – Pleadings - D006 – Motion to Dismiss – Criminal Enterprise

09/02/2008 – Pleadings - D007 – Motion to Dismiss – Ex Post Facto

09/02/2008 – Pleadings - D008 – Motion to Dismiss – Equal Protection

09/02/2008 – Pleadings - D009 – Motion to Dismiss – Common Article 3

09/02/2008 – Pleadings - P003 – Government Motion to Compel Presence of the

10/06/2008 – Pleadings and Ruling- D011- Motion to Dismiss – Unlawful Influence

02/13/2009 - Pleadings and Ruling – P-012 R Motion for Appropriate Relief
                      (120 Day Continuance) *NEW*









Updated: 7 October 2008


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