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Healthy Swimming

Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) Technical Committees

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Technical committees are being established to provide specialized knowledge regarding specific areas of the MAHC content. Initial efforts will be focused on reducing the spread of recreational water illnesses at treated recreational water venues.

Application Packet for Technical Committee Membership PDF icon (PDF, 125 KB)

Technical Committee Purpose

Each technical committee will examine existing technologies and methodologies in the appropriate jurisdictions of their respective committees. The technical committee will determine the scientific basis, if any, for existing recommendations and criteria; identify scientific information gaps; and outline data that are needed to support future science-based revisions. The final product will be a performance-based model aquatic health code that is national in scope, data driven, and achieves consensus using the best available science and engineering practices.

Technical Committee Interaction and Governance

It is recognized that technical committees may overlap on certain issues. The Steering Committee will determine which committee has primary responsibility for the overlap area. Committees serving in a secondary role may contribute thoughts and ideas on the focus area but the overlap areas should be a secondary part of the committee activities. The committee serving as lead will ensure regular communication between all committees having an overlap area. For example, the Disinfection & Water Quality Committee will have primarily responsibility for looking at disinfection methodologies. However, disinfection level and pH levels are important secondary considerations for other committees such as Monitoring & Testing, Filtration & Recirculation, and Contamination Burden. These committees must be in regular communication with the lead Committee, Disinfection & Water Quality. The MAHC Coordinator and the Steering Committee Liaisons will also ensure appropriate communications between committees to help avoid unnecessary effort duplications. The MAHC Strawman includes markers delineating the integration points for each Technical Committee.

Technical Committee Guidance

Technical Committee Chair Duties PDF icon (PDF, 50 KB)

Technical Committee Instructions PDF icon (PDF, 16 KB)

Technical Committee Meetings and Reporting

Sample Agenda (Initial Call) PDF icon (PDF, 38 KB)

Sample Agenda (After Initial Call) PDF icon (PDF, 34 KB)

Monthly Progress Report PDF icon (PDF, 33 KB)

MAHC Module Development Process

MAHC Module Submission Coversheet PDF icon (PDF, 18 KB)

Technical Committee Focus Areas

Click on links below for information on existing technical committees.

Information and Assistance

For questions or comments about the MAHC or if you are interested in providing input into this process as a member of a technical committee, please email

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