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US Department of Defense
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Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
Press Advisories
On the Web:

Media contact: +1 (703) 697-5131

Press Advisories announce media events, briefings, publications and other opportunities. Press advisories issued within the past 30 days are listed below. Older advisories are available on the press advisory archive page. Advisories are also available by e-mail subscription. Go to DoD News for more information and for links to other news items.
02/28/2001:   Limited Evacuation Drill at Pentagon on Thursday, March 1, 2001
02/26/2001:   SecDef to Host Honor Cordon for MoD of Sweden
02/26/2001:   No Regular DoD Briefing on Tuesday, Feb. 27
02/23/2001:   SecDef to Host Honor Cordon for President Pastrana of Colombia
02/17/2001:   Adm. Fargo to Conduct Press Conference on USS Greeneville
02/16/2001:   DoD News Briefing on Military Action in Iraq
02/16/2001:   Background Briefing on Meeting with Japanese Vice Minister
02/15/2001:   DepSecDef Welcomes Senior Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Eto of Japan
02/08/2001:   African American History Month Recognition
02/02/2001:   SecDef Hosts Honor Cordon for Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia
02/01/2001:   Official Portrait of Secretary Rumsfeld is Now Available