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Physics (PHY)

Programs and Funding Opportunities

Key: Crosscutting Crosscutting | NSF Wide Flag NSF-wide

Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics
Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL S4)
Education and Interdisciplinary Research (EIR)
Elementary Particle Physics (EPP)
Gravitational Physics
NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering Crosscutting
Nuclear Physics
Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics (PNA)
Physics at the Information Frontier (PIF)
Physics of Living Systems (PoLS)
Plasma Physics
Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (TAMOP)
Theoretical Physics

Featured NSF-wide Programs

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NSF Educational Opportunities by Audience

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For Graduate Students

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For K-12 Educators

Recently Announced Funding Opportunities See All

Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory
(NSF  09-500) Posted October 6, 2008

NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering
(NSF  08-589) Posted July 24, 2008

Plasma Physics
(PD  08-1242) Posted May 20, 2008

Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
(PD  08-1284) Posted May 16, 2008

Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics
(PD  06-1643) Posted August 18, 2006

Upcoming Due Dates See All

Physics of Living Systems
(PD  08-7246) Full Proposal: July 31, 2009

Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics
(PD  05-1241) Full Proposal: September 30, 2009

Education and Interdisciplinary Research
(PD  03-9134) Full Proposal: September 30, 2009

Elementary Particle Physics
(PD  06-1221) Full Proposal: September 30, 2009

Gravitational Physics
(PD  06-1244) Full Proposal: September 30, 2009

News See All

Satellite image of smoke from Southern California wildfires billowing over the Pacific Ocean. Fire Is an Important and Under-Appreciated Part of Global Climate Change
Released April 23, 2009
Press Release
Jun Ye in his lab Scientists Get a Grip on Colliding Fermions to Enhance Atomic Clock Accuracy
Released April 16, 2009
News From the Field
Announcement of Permanent Position for Physics of Living Systems (PoLS)
Updated October 15, 2008
Program Director Position Available
Updated July 9, 2008
Impact of NSF 04 - 034 (OISE Change in Procedures) on PHY researchers
Updated May 27, 2005

Discoveries See All

Image of the collision of a proton and antiproton. A Better Mass for the W Boson; Higgs Boson Given Less Space to Hide
Analyzing several years' worth of results from Fermilab's Tevatron collider, physicists come up with the most accurate measurement to date of the mass of the W boson, and narrow down the possible mass of the still undiscovered Higgs boson
Released  April 7, 2009

Illustration of a nanoscale experiment. Squeezing Noise Below Quantum Limits
Exquisitely sensitive microwave amplifier increases nano-scale measurement accuracy; could lead to quantum computing breakthroughs
Released  March 26, 2009

Illustration showing entanglement to and from distinct quantum memories. A Beautiful Memory
Breakthrough in "entanglement" demonstrates potential of quantum information science
Released  March 17, 2009

Eight thumbnail images and 2008 in Review 2008: Year in Review
A look back at some of the NSF-supported advances and activities that made news last year
Released  March 13, 2009

Image showing the red and blue letters retrieved from a data cube. New Record for World's Smallest Letters
Stanford University breaks record set in 1991, promises denser information storage
Released  March 10, 2009

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