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Press Release 09-080
"Fantastic Voyage" Not So Far-fetched

Studies yield clues to powering nano-sized machines

Graphic showing a single-molecule nano-vehicle.

Powering machines 5,000 times smaller than a human cell moves closer to reality.
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April 23, 2009

View a video of real-time "predator-prey" behavior of silica spheres towards UV-illuminated silver chloride.

A new paper published in the May 2009 issue of the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States, Scientific American, asks readers to imagine producing vehicles so small they would be about the size of a molecule and powered by engines that run on sugar. To top it off, a penny would buy a million of them.

The concept is nearly unthinkable, but it's exactly the kind of thing occupying National Science Foundation supported researchers at Penn State and Rice universities.

For several years, Ayusman Sen, who heads Penn State's department of chemistry, and his colleague Thomas E. Mallouk, director of the Center for Nanoscale Science at Penn State, have investigated technologies that could realize these remarkable machines whose uses might include delivering medicine to specific tissue, accomplishing surgeries or communicating with the outside world from inside the human body.

Though researchers consistently have improved ways to build nano-machines, the stumbling block has been finding a way to power them. Shrinking energy producers--internal combustion engines, electric motors or jet engines--below millimeter dimensions is not an easy task, but researchers may be closer to a fantastic solution.

In the 1966 movie Fantastic Voyage, scientists shrink a submarine to microscopic size and inject it into the blood stream of a brilliant scientist, who has a blood clot forming in his brain. The nano-sized surgeons then set out to remove the blood clot.

Today, researchers can steer nano-machines, use them to convey cargo, and guide them using electromagnetic forces or chemical interactions. All of this, they say, makes the world seen in Fantastic Voyage not so far-fetched.


Media Contacts
Bobbie Mixon, NSF (703) 292-8070 bmixon@nsf.gov

Program Contacts
Thomas P. Rieker, NSF (703) 292-4914 trieker@nsf.gov

Principal Investigators
Ayusman Sen, Penn State University (814) 863-2460 asen@psu.edu
Thomas E. Mallouk, Penn State University (814) 863-9637 tom@chem.psu.edu

Related Websites
How to Build Nanotech Motors - Scientific American: http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=how-to-build-nanotech-motors
The Sen Group - Supporting Information: /news/longurl.cfm?id=159

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Real-time predator-prey behavior of silica spheres towards UV-illuminated silver chloride.
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Real-time predator-prey behavior of silica spheres towards UV-illuminated silver chloride.
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Graphic of a nano-car with four carbon-based wheels rolling on axles made of linked carbon atoms.
Nano-car has no engine under the hood, but rolls on wheels 5,000 times smaller than a human cell.
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Photomicrograph showing a Salmonella bacterium, an analogue for powering of nano-machines.
Salmonella bacterium provides an example of how nano-machines could be powered.
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Two different particles engage in phototaxis predator-prey movement.
Particle motion driven by light provides a theory for independent movement of nano-machines.
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Last Updated:
April 24, 2009
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Last Updated: April 24, 2009