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Wide band gap semiconductor templates

This invention allows for the development of large-area (> 4" diameter) substrate platforms for hexagonally structured wide-band gap semiconducting materials. Currently, such platforms are either unavaiable or prohibitively expensive (e.g. ~ $5K for a 3 " dia. wafer for SiC)


  • Semiconductors
  • Silicon Carbide (SiC) (>4" diameter wafers)
  • Large area III-N films which are needed for power conditioning
  • rf power transistors
  • high temperature electronics
  • etc.


  • Higher operating temperatures (600 �C vs. 150 �C)
  • Higher Thermal Conductivity
  • Ability to produce larger wafers of Silicon Carbide (SiC)
  • Lower cost than single crystal approach

One example of the benefits is SiC which is a wide bandgap semiconductor currently of interest for power device industry applications because of its high electric field breakdown strength (one order of magnitude larger than Si), higher operating temperature (600 �C vs. 150 �C) and high thermal conductivity (3 X). Historically, most research has focused on developing 4H and 6H-SiC, in single crystal form, as a semiconductor material for high temperature and high power electronics. The 4H-SiC being slightly preferred over the 6H-SiC because its electron and hole mobilities are identical along the two major crystallographic directions whereas in the latter polytype the mobilities exhibit anisotropy. Small substrate wafer size (< 4 in.), the high cost of such substrate materials and the inability to grow epitaxial layers on any substrates other than single crystal SiC, has hindered the development of these polytypes for power applications. Another example is the epitaxial growth of wide band gap ZnO on other substrates. ZnO has attracted much attention recently due to its potential applications as the base material for ultrafast nonlinear optical devices, short wavelength semiconductor lasers, electrodes for solar cell, surface acoustic wave devices, and photoluminescent (PL) devices. It has been also considered as one of the promising phosphors for low-voltage luminescence in flat panel displays. The widely used epitaxial template for ZnO is c-plane sapphire. This limits the integration of ZnO with other technologically important materials such as Si. With this invention, it is feasible to integrate ZnO with other materials for novel electronic devices.

IP Status: Available both Exclusively and Non Exclusively

Reference Number: 729

S Number: DOE reference no.(s): 109,053

Patents & Applications:

Application(s) Pending

Posted: 11-06-2008

Russ Hopper
Technology Transfer Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1663, MailStop C334
(505) 665-1578


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