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Part 1: a) I start with a Pedigree Chart where I trace my ancestors back in time as far as I can go. I use only my grandfathers' or grandmothers' lines. From present times to the Reformation, local, official written files have been used and the data are fairly convincing. The data from the Reformation and into ancient times are more history than genealogy. Remember that the biological father has not always been known either in our own time or much less in ancient times. In ancient times the record keeping of persons was sloppy. Start of timeline is AD 2000 and end is 1300 BC.

Part 2: b) From the ancient times I write a Descendant Chart and climb back up to where I started. Now I include some contemporary history that these persons created and had to live with. Included are historical assumtions, anectodes and close to the facts history. No names are known from the oldest times, but artifacts, bones, pictures on rocks and burial mounds can be found and seen in our days. In Norway people have had a homestead since 10 0000 BC and these individuals have managed to adapt to colder and warmer climates as compared to what we have today.

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