German Genealogy Links

Dedicated to German Heritage Everywhere!

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Welcome to our list of German Genealogy Links on the WWW. This link page is meant to be a guide for those of us searching information from the Internet on this subject.

At the making of this page, all links are working and have been checked by the participants or the person maintaining this page. If you notice a link is not working, please feel free to send an e-mail us and we will correct the link.

If you have a site that you feel would provide German Genealogy information and would like a link to this page, please let us know! If you know of a site that is not listed here and feel it might be helpful for someone doing research in German genealogy, please e-mail us and we will consider adding it!

German Information Links

Geneology.Net Many different German resources.
German Genealogy Tips for Researchers; Good starting point for German research on the Internet with links to subjects ranging from getting started, history, maps, to mailing lists and databases
FEEFHS Map Room A 51 map collection covers almost all of central and eastern Europe, including all of the German Empire and the Russian Empire. This includes European Russia (east to theUrals) and trans-Ural Asian Russia (Siberia and the Pacific).
Internet Sources of German Genealogy Numerous links to genealogical sites relating to German information, databases, sources, newsgroups, mailing lists, etc.
Hessen GenWeb A wonderful site for history and other information regarding Hessen, Germany. Includes surname queries, and very many links to maps Hessen emigrants, soldiers, archives, etc. Also, numerous links to sites relating to German subjects in general.
German Genealogy Home Page Contains beginners tips for German genealogical research, and collection of links to regional research and other German related sites.
German Genealogy: Regional Research Provides links to regional sites in both 19th Century Germany and modern Germany, as well as Austria, and Switzerland.

New Entries Since Project Began

German, Preussen and Irish Genealogy GenTree has been established for use by anyone needing information, guidance, resource and reference inks to and about Germany and Ireland.
Archives in Germany information on German archives
Resources for German Genealogy on the Internet Web Directory for Americans of German Descent
Specialist in Aerial Photographs!NEW.gif
Search for aerial pictures of all German villages, cities and towns
German Villages in the Volga Valley of Russia NEW.gif
A comprehensive list of all villages colonized by German in the Volga Valley of Russia from 1764-1767 along with other Volga history, maps, North American settlements and other valuable resources

German Maps

Map of Germany See Large Map of Germany

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Page was created on February 21, 1998
Most recent revision, December 1, 2002

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