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logo: Officer & Enlisted Personnel Management

Director, Officer and Enlisted Personnel Management
Sam Retherford


Ensure that the DoD and the Service's personnel management policies, as well as existing and proposed statute, facilitate the management and retention of military personnel in the grades and skills required for personnel and readiness and effective mission accomplishment.


Separations Management

  • Officer and Enlisted Separations Policy
  • Disability Evaluation System (DES) Separations Policy
  • Chair of Disability Evaluation System Advisory Council for DES Separations
  • DD Form 214 Policy (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty)

Military Awards and Decorations

Military Personnel Assignments and Evacuations

  • Military Assignments and Tour Lengths
  • Fraternization and Gender–Related Issues
  • Women in the Military Issues
  • Authorized/Ordered Departure Authorizations
  • Process Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) packages for DUSD (MPP) approval

Military Education

  • Graduate Education Policy for Officers
  • Funded Legal Education Policy
  • Advanced Civilian Education Policy
  • Fellowships, Scholarships, Training With Industry, and Grants for DoD Personnel

Leave & Liberty

  • Funded Environmental Morale Leave Policy
  • Pass Policy
  • Rest and Recuperation Leave Policy
  • Post-Deployment Mobilization Respite Absence

Officer and Enlisted Management and Personnel Policy

  • Total Force Management Policy (force retention levels; career force structure; retention bonuses (Officer/Enlisted); and legislative proposals and reforms
  • Enlisted Personnel Management Policy (Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB)/Career SRB; Critical Skills Policy Matters; Enlisted Promotion Policy; and Special Operations Forces (SOF) Personnel Policy Matters
  • Officer Personnel Management/Policy
    • Defense Officer Personnel Management Act (DOPMA)
    • Officer promotion and continuation policy
    • Officer promotion and miscellaneous appointment scroll processing
    • Officer promotion selection board & special selection board processing
  • Personnel tempo (PERSTEMPO) Policy
  • Military Active Duty Strength Oversight
  • Credentialing of the Force Policy

General/Flag Officer Management

  • Process Frocking requests for PDUSD approval
  • Process 3/4 star nominations
  • Process 1/2 star promotion boards
  • Process Joint Tour Length Waivers, Scientific-Technical Waivers, and Good-of-the Service Waivers
  • Enlisted Aide Program Policy

Joint Officer Management (JOM)/Joint Qualification System (JQS)

  • Establish and administer policies for JOM/JQS
  • Process Joint Qualified Officer Nomination Packages for USD(P&R) approval
  • Process Joint Duty Assignment List for USD(P&R) approval
  • Process Joint Tour Length/JPME Outplacement Waivers for DUSD(MPP) decision

Joint officer Management Links


Director, Officer and Enlisted Personnel Management
4000 Defense Pentagon (Rm 2B265)
Washington DC 20301-4000