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logo: Mission Statement

Oversee Total Force manpower requirements determination, justification, apportionment and execution, including force mix issues.

Ensure the most effective use of Total Force structure and its allocation among DoD components and between Active and Reserve components.

Integrate manpower, personnel, training, human factors, and safety issues into acquisition of major Defense systems.

Oversee implementation of Service manpower and personnel management information systems, ensuring interoperability, consistency, and standardization.

Manage manpower research, data acquisition, and analysis of manpower, personnel and training data for the Department of Defense.

Coordinate USD(P&R) participation in the planning, programming and budgeting system and the Department of Defense manpower program to the Congress.

Oversee the Defense Manpower Data Center, the Training and Readiness Education and Analysis Division, the Office of Special Events, and the DoD Office of the Actuary.