Marine Mammal Operations

Bigeyes Bigeyes

Marine mammal operations consist of a three-observer watch stationed on the flying bridge. Two of the observers, one for the port side and one for the starboard side, maintain a watch for marine mammals or floating debris using high powered "big eye" binoculars. The third observer maintains a close range visual watch. When pods are encountered, the ship breaks from the transect and investigates each sighting. Biopsy samples are taken from healthy pods of dolphins and whales. Transects are laid out at the beginning of a cruise to provide optimum sampling of the survey area. The ship's speed is adjusted to maintain 10 knots and/or reduce vibration on the "big eyes". Mammal observations take place from sunrise to sunset. A CTD cast is conducted at mid-day and after sunset. Marine mammal operations are often conducted in concert with Plankton Surveys.

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Updated: August 25, 2008