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NCI Glossary of Terms

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Gender: Refers to the classification of research subjects into two categories: Women and men. In some cases, representation is unknown, because gender composition cannot be accurately determined (e.g., pooled blood samples or stored specimens without gender designation).

Grant: A financial-assistance mechanism providing money, property, or both to an eligible entity to carry out an approved project or activity. A grant is used whenever an NIH Institute or Center anticipates no substantial programmatic involvement with the recipient during performance of the financially assisted activities.

Grant Appeals: A DHHS policy that provides for an appeal by the grantee institution of postaward administrative decisions made by awarding offices. There are two levels of appeal available: (1) An informal NIH procedure, and (2) a formal DHHS procedure. The grantee must first exhaust the informal procedures before appealing to the DHHS Appeals Board.

Grant Application Guide: Instructions for completing an electronic Grant Application Package. Each Funding Opportunity Announcement has its own package and guide. Go to NIH's Application Guides.

Grantee: The organization or person awarded a grant or cooperative agreement by NIH responsible and accountable for the use of the funds provided and the performance of the grant-supported project or activities. The grantee is the entire legal entity even if a particular component is designated in the award document. The grantee is legally responsible and accountable to NIH for the performance and financial aspects of the grant-supported project or activity.

Grants Management Specialist: The NCI official who serves as the focal point for all business-related activities associated with the negotiation, award, and administration of grants. An access point through which any person, business, or State, local, or Tribal government may electronically find and apply for more than 1,000 competitive grant opportunities from the 26 Federal grant-making Agencies. Registration is required to apply. Go to


Last Revised: 04/14/2009 Webmaster Disclaimer National Cancer Institute (NCI) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Search Feedback/Comments