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NCI Glossary of Terms

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National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB): A Presidentially appointed, chartered advisory committee to the Secretary, DHHS, and the Director, NCI, composed of scientists and lay members. The NCAB performs final review of grant applications and advises on matters of significance to the policies, missions, and goals of the NCI. Members include outstanding authorities knowledgeable in relevant programmatic areas who are especially concerned with the health needs of the American people.

National Institutes of Health (NIH): A Federal agency whose mission is to improve the health of the people of the United States. NIH is part of the PHS, which is part of the U.S. DHHS.

National Research Service Award (NRSA): An award made to a person and/or institution to provide research training in specified health-related areas.

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.

NCAB: See National Cancer Advisory Board.

Negotiation: This term refers to contracts for supplies or services without the use of formal advertising. Under negotiated contracts, the lowest price offeror may not necessarily receive the award. Award is made on the basis of the proposal that offers the greatest advantage to the government, price and other factors considered. Typically, when contracting for Research and Development, technical competence is primary.

New Application (Award, Grant): An application not previously proposed, or one that has not received prior funding (also known as a type 1 application).

New Investigator: For the purpose of review and funding, applicants are considered new investigators if they have not previously served as the principal investigators (PI) on any Public Health Service-supported research project other than:

• Pathway to Independence Award-Research Phase (R00)
• Small Grant (R03)
• Academic Research Enhancement Award (R15)
• Exploratory/Developmental Grant (R21)
• Clinical Trial Planning Grant (R34)
• Dissertation Award (R36)
• Small Business Technology Transfer Grant-Phase I (R41)
• Small Business Innovation Research Grant-Phase I (R43)
• Shannon Award (R55)
• NIH High Priority, Short-Term Project Award (R56)
• Competitive Research Pilot Projects (SC2, SC3)

Additionally, the PD/PI is not excluded from consideration as a “New Investigator” if he/she has received an award from fellowship (F), career development (K), or loan repayment (L) awards. See complete definition:

NIH: See National Institutes of Health.

NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts: The official publication for NIH’s medical and behavioral research grants policies, guidelines and funding opportunities. Go to Funding Opportunities and Notices.

NIH-Defined Phase III Clinical Trial: For the purpose of the Guidelines on the Inclusion of Women and Minorities, an NIH defined Phase III clinical trial is a broadly based, prospective clinical investigation, usually involving several hundred or more human subjects, for the purpose of evaluating an experimental intervention in comparison with a standard or control intervention, or comparing two or more existing treatments. Often the aim of such investigation is to provide evidence leading to a scientific basis for consideration of a change in health policy or standard of care. The definition includes pharmacologic, nonpharmacologic, and behavioral interventions given for disease prevention, prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy. Community trials and other population-based intervention trials are also included.

NIH Manuscript Submission System (NIHMS): NIHMS is a system developed by NIH, and allows users to deposit and manage manuscripts. See

Non-competing Continuation: A year of continued support for a funded grant. Progress reports for continued support do not undergo peer review, but are administratively reviewed by the funding Institute/Center and receive an award based on prior award commitments (also known as type 5).

Non-competing Grant: An ongoing grant whose award is contingent on the completion of a progress report as the condition for the release of money for the following year.

Not Recommended for Further Consideration (NRFC): If an application raises substantial concerns that would prevent it from being funded (e.g., concerns regarding human subjects, animal welfare, or biohazards), the review committee may elect to rate it not recommended for further consideration (NRFC). This action is made by majority vote. For any NRFC motion that does not pass unanimously, the full action of the review committee must be recorded: Number of votes for, number against, and number of abstentions. Any dissenting committee member may provide a minority report.

Notice of Grant Award: A legally binding document that notifies the grantee and others that an award has been made. It contains or references all terms and conditions of the award and documents the obligation of Federal funds. The award notice may be in letter format and may be issued electronically.

No Score (NS): Lower 50 percent of applications in the study section--no priority score is assigned to those applications.

NRFC: See Not Recommended for Further Consideration.

NRSA: See National Research Service Award.

NS: See No Score.


Last Revised: 04/14/2009 Webmaster Disclaimer National Cancer Institute (NCI) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Search Feedback/Comments