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Cancer Prevention Faculty Seminar


For More Information About This Series Contact:
Susan B. Skidmore
Phone: 301 846-5865

Series Calendar:
12/15/2004 (1) Dr. Steve Hursting, DCP, NCI (2) Dr. Connie Rogers, LTIB, NCI (3) Dr. Larissa Korda, DCP, NCI (1) Moue Models of Energy Balance for Cancer Prevention (2) Markers of Immunity: Potential Surrogate Endpoints for Energy Balance Clinical Trails (3) Physical Activity Clinical Trials Challenges
6/16/2004 Dr. Danica Ramljak Inhibition of Breast Cancer Cell Growth by Cocoa-Derived Pentameric Procyanidin
5/19/2004 Dr. John M. Pezzuto Natural Inhibitors of Carcinogenesis: A Promising Solution for Long Term Chemoprevention
3/17/2004 Dr. Kirk Gustafson NCI's Natural Products Repository: An Opportunity for Cancer Prevention and Cancer Intervention Drug Discovery
12/16/2003 Dr. Xiang-Dong Wang Mechanistic Understanding of Potential Beneficial/Adverse Effects of Carotenoid Supplementation in Lung Cancer Prevention
6/18/2003 Eva Szabo, MD; Ron Lubet, PhD; Ilona Linnoila, MD; Sonia Jakowlew, PhD Mouse for Lung Neuroendocrine Carcinomas
5/21/2003 (1)Danny R. Welch, PhD, University of Alabama, Birmingham (2)Patricia Steeg, PhD, NCI/Laboratory of Pathology (1) BRMS1: Illuminating a Surprising Regulatory Point for Breast Cancer Metastasis (2) Nm23 Metatasis Suppressor: Biochemical and Translational Advances
5/21/2003 Pat Steeg, Danny Welch Metastasis Prevention or Therapy
4/16/2003 Stephen Hecht Cigarette Smoking and Lung Cancer: Chemical Mechanisms and Approaches to Prevention
3/26/2003 (1) Colin L. Stewart, D.Phil, Cancer and Developmental Biology Lab (2) Karlyne M. Reilly, PhD, Mouse Cancer Genetics Lab New Mouse Models for Studying Modifier Genes and Signaling Pathways (1) Lipid Phosphate Phosphohydrolases Regulate Vasculogenesis and Axis Formation: Novel Regulators of Wnt Signaling (2) The Role of Modifier Genes in a Mouse Model of Astrocytoma and Neurofibromatosis Type 1
2/19/2003 Peter Johnson, Regulation of Cell Growth Lab/NCI-Frederick Jonathan Keller, Lab of Molecular Immunoregulation/NCI-Frederick Robert Shoemaker, Screening Technologies Branch/NCI-Frederick C/EBP As a Potential Molecular Target
1/29/2003 Dr. Thomas W. Kensler, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Molecular Regulation of Enzymes that Detoxify Carcinogens: Targets for Prevention
1/29/2003 Dr. Thomas W. Kensler Molecular Regulation of Enzymes that Detoxify Carcinogens - Targets for Prevention
1/15/2003 Drs. Dolph Hatfield, Charles Foster, and Philip Taylor Selenium: From Basic Science to Population Studies